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her 10-year-old daughter was fined on the bus, “she told me ‘mom, you can take from my piggy bank to pay’”

Julie is an angry mom. And as it turns out, her 10-year-old daughter came home from school traumatized by what she had just experienced. Maëlle got on an overcrowded bus with her classmates to go to college. Unable to access the terminals to cancel her ticket, she remained in her seat, following the driver’s instructions.

But a few stops later, controllers got on board and Maëlle was… fined! “No explanation”, reports 3, even though the young girl’s transport ticket was valid. Maëlle had just started school and was not used to taking the bus before. “My daughter didn’t understand what was happening.”

The same evening, Julie found her daughter in tears, “she said to me ‘mom, you can take from my piggy bank to pay'”. She also deplores the lack of dialogue on the part of the controllers, who fined around ten children that day. “For her, it’s traumatic, she’s only been taking the bus alone for three weeks…”

A fine of 15 euros was imposed on the schoolchildren concerned. Julie refuses to pay her.



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