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Josep Borell at the UN: “No one seems capable of stopping Netanyahu”

Josep Borell at the UN: “No one seems capable of stopping Netanyahu”
Josep Borell at the UN: “No one seems capable of stopping Netanyahu”

Lhe head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell deplored Friday evening at the UN that “no one”, not even the United States, can “stop” Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in his wars against Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

“We are putting all diplomatic pressure on for a ceasefire. But no one seems capable of stopping Netanyahu, whether in Gaza or the West Bank,” the Palestinian territories, Mr. Borrell told reporters after a Security Council meeting devoted to the Gaza Strip ravaged by a year of conflict.

The Israeli Prime Minister, Friday at the podium of the UN General Assembly, threatened Iran with “strikes” if his country was attacked and promised to continue to strike Palestinian Hamas in Gaza and pro-Iranian Hezbollah in Lebanon, until victory.

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“We are heading into a long war,” predicted Mr. Borrell, who at 77 will retire at the end of the year. On Monday, the Spanish diplomat, in unison with world leaders, warned that Lebanon was “on the verge of total war”.

International call for ceasefire

Mr. Netanyahu immediately rejected upon arriving in New York this week the international call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah, a truce sponsored by and the United States, the steadfast political and military ally. of the Hebrew State.

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Many calls for ceasefires in the Gaza Strip between the Israeli army and Palestinian Hamas have also gone unheeded for a year.

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A few weeks before the American presidential election on November 5 between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, the situation in the Middle East “must involve the international community,” said the head of European diplomacy. “We cannot just rely on the United States. They tried many times and failed,” he lamented.



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