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Servier Maroc launches the September in Gold movement in Morocco – Aujourd’hui le Maroc

The subsidiary of the pharmaceutical group Servier, Servier Maroc, has just created the Mouvement Septembre en Or (MMSOR) at the national level, an offshoot born in the USA and already adopted in . The action will take the form of a march/run on September 29 in Bouskoura. 500 people are expected to support the cause.

As you will have understood, this initiative aims to support and accompany thousands of young Moroccan patients suffering from cancer, their entourage and caregivers in their fight against the disease and its serious consequences. This terrible ordeal indeed disrupts lifestyles. Pain, fear, treatment costs, logistics, all these parameters become the benchmarks of a new life that begins and that can improve precisely through support.
The MMSOR is part of this international dimension. It should be grafted onto the dynamics of transformation to 2030 of Servier Maroc whose top management intends to contribute to the achievement of a significant positive societal impact, by the implementation of CSR actions/projects and sponsorships. This desire will be translated by the organization of charity events to raise awareness and mobilize as many people as possible. “The MMSOR is also an opportunity to unite all the major players in the medical, scientific and social fields, around childhood cancer, in order to guarantee better control”, recall the project leaders. The main event of this month of September is a solidarity run/walk, uniting all the desires to support sick children and their families. On September 29, in Bouskoura, more than 500 people will be expected, around an event called “Les Foulées Solidaires” under the leadership of Servier Maroc. The objective is to register the Maroc Mouvement Septembre en Or in time so that it becomes an annual event.
It must be said that this is not the only sponsorship action of the Servier group in Morocco. Present since 1996 on national soil, the subsidiary of the pharmaceutical group had already been entrusted with the construction of a 2nd chance school in Nouaceur in collaboration with the EMA association (Enfance Maghreb Avenir), for the benefit of 90 young people who had dropped out of school, as well as the financing of the construction of an emergency college on the Timinkar plateau, in support of children from the regions affected by the September 2023 earthquake. The action was carried out, this time, in partnership with the associations L’Heure Joyeuse and Open village.
Today, interest is focused on supporting children with cancer because raising awareness can save many lives. The figures are a reminder of its importance. Because despite the progress and achievements of scientific and medical research worldwide, cancer remains the second leading cause of death among children under 15. According to the World Health Organization, “each year, 400,000 children worldwide are diagnosed with cancer.” In Morocco, the figures are around 1,200 to 1,400 children with cancer per year, of which only 700 are diagnosed in time. Raising awareness of early diagnosis is therefore important. It represents a real lever for effective, accessible care that significantly increases the chances of recovery.
Some NGOs such as Noujoum based in Marrakech are working on this. This parents’ association, founded in January 2003, is the result of the desire of parents who had a child with cancer and who wanted to share their experience and provide support solutions to others in the same situation. The founders have thus set themselves the primary mission of providing material and psychological support to hospitalized children. All actions are carried out at the children’s hospitals in Casablanca and Marrakech. First, it involves supporting sick children who are hospitalized through, for example, the organization of shows. Support also takes the form of specific material aid granted since 2005. The Maison de l’Enfant and Dar Al Oum are two structures that were built, equipped and entrusted to the association by the Mohammed V Foundation for Solidarity. The work is carried out in partnership with the associations present on the ground and with the members who feel involved in the hospitals. In short, the initiatives must continue over time. Supporting people with cancer not only brings hope but also facilitates therapeutic care. The public authorities should legislate in this direction because the training of Expert Patient Partner in Oncology has already existed for several years at the Mohammed VI University of Health Sciences. It is financially supported by renowned partners so that the cost of training participants is covered (since they are people who have had this experience) but the legislator is slow to create the profession… The question has been introduced several times in Parliament but the request has remained open until today. In emerging countries, the profession exists in its own right. It is even highly prized in hospitals. Morocco would benefit from taking the step in this direction. The Human Development Index would be favorably impacted.



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