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Staff forced to admit truth, ‘it’s to attract more people to the park’ (video)

The images had already caused a stir a short while ago, but now the deception has been admitted, and it was true. A Chinese zoo was accused of having disguised two dogs as pandas and putting them in cages. The two pooches had their natural fur dyed black and white to resemble panda fur.

If we remember a man who wanted to become a dog and who had taken many steps to fulfill his dream, here, the dogs did not ask for anything, prompting animal rights activists to step up. As reported by Corriere della Sera, citing local media, the zoo admitted to using chow-chow dogs to make them look like pandas. Adding that the dyes used were “safe and harmless”. No gross deception according to the zoo in question, which claims to have simply wanted to add a new attraction to attract more people and increase the popularity of the park.

Do you remember Toco, the man who spent 14,000 euros to “become a dog”: he is making headlines again and wants to take the next step! (video)



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