Trump leads Biden in 6 key states as presidential elections approach

Trump leads Biden in 6 key states as presidential elections approach
Trump leads Biden in 6 key states as presidential elections approach

Source: Lesinfos

04/24/2024 4:55 p.m.

A recent poll shows Donald Trump leading Joe Biden in the majority of swing states, revealing American voters’ pessimism about the economy ahead of the November 5 election.

With the US presidential elections just months away, a new poll suggests an advantage for former President Donald Trump over current President Joe Biden in six of seven key states. The poll, conducted by Bloomberg News and Morning Consult, reflects a growing sense of pessimism among voters about the economic future of the United States.

According to the survey conducted April 8-15, a majority expect the economy to deteriorate by the end of the year, accentuating Biden’s challenges in these crucial electoral strongholds. Although Biden maintains a slight lead in Michigan with 2% more than Trump, he is trailing in key states such as Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, and the gap is widening further in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and North Carolina.

Trump’s return to power marks a turnaround since March, when Biden enjoyed a brief boost in his approval ratings following a well-received State of the Union address.

Economic concerns dominate the electoral climate, with stubborn inflation and high interest rates, the highest in 23 years, set between 5.25% and 5.5%. On Tuesday, Jerome Powell, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, expressed uncertainty about the possibility of lowering rates later in the year, despite signs that inflation could recede.

Only 23% of those surveyed think the employment rate will improve in the coming months, while one in five voters hope for a drop in inflation and borrowing costs by the end of the year. This underscores widespread skepticism about the economic outlook, with more than three-quarters of voters blaming the current weak economy on the Biden administration.

For still undecided voters, those Biden is counting on to narrow the gap with Trump, few expect significant improvements on the economic front, according to the poll data.

Carried out among 4,969 registered voters in these seven pivotal states, the survey offers a worrying overview of the challenges that the current president must face as a vote approaches that could redefine the direction of the country. The poll’s margin of error is 1%.



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