“The love of the vine, respect for nature and passion for Burgundy wine brings us together,” analyzed the grand-master of the brotherhood of the knights of the Tastevin, this Saturday, January 25, in Ladoix-Serrigny. “Saint-Vincent is also the expression of solidarity between the winegrowers,” said the Archbishop of Dijon during mass.
Find all the officials of official times of the 2025 rotating Saint-Vincent in 130 photographs.
“Saint-Vincent watches over Ladoix-Serrigny”, according to the mayor of the wine village since the heavens were more lenient than anticipated, this Saturday, January 25, 2025, the day of the 81st edition of the Saint-Vincent Tournant.
The various official stakeholders wanted to recall the meaning of the event. The mayor recalled the sacrifices of the winegrowers who died for France. The archbishop analyzed the symbolism carried by the vine and the wine from the point of view of Catholic worship. The grand-master of the knights of the Tastevin insisted on sharing between the winegrowers and the public.
Music parade in the streets and vines
In soft weather and a small morning sun, the representatives of the 90 mutual relief companies from all over Burgundy rush from Cadus cooperage, right at 7:30 am. The first steps are still at night.
Statuette of Saint Vincent de Ladoix at the head, sculpted in 1834, the procession must cross the D974 to find the public on its way while the sun fell in the distance. The most morning seek the silhouette of Mont-Blanc, in vain.
The harmonies of Gevrey-Chambertin, Meursault and Demigny punctuate the parade while the cadets of Burgundy just precede the brotherhood of the knights of the Tastevin which closes the march.
“Let us remember the winegrowers who, in 1934, created the Mutuel Defense Company of Serrigny”
After a passage of several kilometers in the vineyards of the Corton hill, the procession stops the place of memory in order to honor the dead for France. Among the civil and military authorities are present in particular Benoît Byrski, sub-prefect of Beaune, François Patriat (Ren), senator of Côte-d'Or, Denis Thomas (LR), vice-president of the Departmental Council of Côte-d 'Now, Jérôme Fol, mayor of Ladoix-Serrigny, as well as Laurent Delaunay and François Labet, co-presidents of the BIVB, and Thiébault Huber, president of the CAVB.
After the rise of colors, wreath deposits, the ringtone “Aux Dead”, a minute of silence and “La Marseillaise”, Jérôme Fol greets mutual aid companies.
“Saint-Vincent watches over us,” notes the first councilor while the effects of the Eowyn storm will finally wait for 3:30 p.m. to be felt with the arrival of the rain.
The rotating Saint-Vincent constituting a “major demonstration in the wine world in our region”, “for several months, the Ladoisiennes and the Ladoisiens have been mobilized to welcome you as best as possible, in particular by the flowering and the development of public places and private properties ”. “Viticulturalists have concocted cuvées which should delight visitors' taste buds.”
“Let us remember the winegrowers who, in 1934, created the Mutual Aid Society of Serrigny, ancestor of the current Social Security, this mutual aid company passes to be one of the oldest of the surroundings”. “Let us have a thought for the winegrowers of our village who, over time, paid for their lives to save the fatherland during the too many conflicts that punctuated our history. The misfortunes of some and the sacrifices of others give meaning to our presence here this morning, and justifies the tribute which is paid to them. ”
To the church, by the lauve
The procession resumes its way towards the church along the Bief de la Lauve, a pretty little river which takes its source a few tens of meters from the D974 bridge and clearly refreshes the morning atmosphere in this part of the village.
Only 200 people, the choir of the parish included, can enter the church to follow the celebration chaired by the Archbishop of Dijon Antoine Hérouard, welcomed by Father Déo Thomas, the Curé Ladoisien.
“This feast of Saint Vincent tells us this attention of God for those who work the vineyard”
“Saint-Vincent is also the expression of solidarity between the winegrowers,” said the archbishop immediately, making the link with the secular remarks of the mayor of Ladoix-Serrigny before delivering a religious analysis of link between men and the vine.
To do this, the Minister of Catholic worship is based on two texts, one of the Prophet Isaiah evoking the fruits of the vineyard, the other of the Gospel according to John approaching the wedding of Cana where Jesus changed water into wine in wine , which constitutes the very first miracle attributed to the Nazarean.
“This means the importance that the vine and the wine can have in the Bible,” said the archbishop. “This vine, the master of the vine, that is to say God, takes care of it and he does everything it takes for this vine to have beautiful fruits and that the harvest is beautiful. (…) Obviously, it is an image, it is not only the very work of the vineyard that is underlined, that is to say that this vine of the Lord, it is the house of Israel, it is the People he chose is the one with whom he wants to establish an alliance. (…) The plant he cherished tells us Isaiah, they are the men of Judas. ”
“It also tells us that the work of the vineyard is never an absolute guarantee but it says that this God proposes to his people, and through him to all of humanity, is not always what is realized” , he continues. “This is what is underlined there, the infidelity of the people in relation to the promise of God. (…) The master of the vine will not destroy everything, he will constantly relaunch the work so that the vine can bear the fruits he expects. (…) This feast of Saint Vincent tells us this attention of God for those who work the vine and, more broadly, for each of us. She underlines this dimension of mutual aid, of the support between the winegrowers. ”
-“Through water changed in wine, it is the relationship of God with his people in question”
Regarding the wedding of Cana, “The first witnesses of this transformation, because it is the best wine that will be in the jars, it is the servants, they are the ones who know what happened, Simple people are not the powerful of this world, ”insists the archbishop. “Perhaps it is also to emphasize that, for God, everything that makes the joy of our human life, a marriage, a party in the joy of the banquet, in the joy of the vine and the shared wine, all this has Already a certain value, it is not something to neglect or put in the background. ”
“Through the water changed in wine, it is the relationship of God with his people in question,” he develops. “Basically, the image of the wedding, it is also there to say something about what God wants with humanity. He wants to establish a link, an alliance, a relationship that means that nothing we live, our joys, our sorrows, our hopes, our projects, everything that inhabits the heart of man is not indifferent to the eyes of God, all this matters. “
The archbishop then concluded his remarks by articulating this first miracle with the term of that Jesus Christ realizes as “mission”: “fully fulfill this covenant between God and humanity”. “The most refined wine in abundance, the wine forever is the sign. In the Bible, whenever we talk about eternal life, it is often the image of the banquet that comes and, this banquet, it must be watered with the best wines. He announces the end of time, communion with God. “
In summary, “this miracle of water changed into wine [montre] that our humanity could be changed by the presence and faith in Jesus ”.
The Minister of Cult then boasts “The moments of celebration, like today” and “everything that leads to more life, confidence, quality in relationships with each other, everything that contributes to joy, At the opening, to sharing, everything that distances the withdrawal from ourselves, selfishness, sadness, bitterness ”. “Let us everyone, for our part, transform, like the water changed into wine.”
“The love of the vine, respect for nature and passion for Burgundy wine brings us together”
Once the celebration is finished, everyone is getting lost in the village now all at the party since the tasting vaults have opened. Part of the public follows the knights of the Tastevin to attend enthusiasts in the brotherhood at the purple and gold ribbon.
The grand-master Jean-François Curie recalls that Ladoix-Serrigny had organized the Tournant Saint-Vincent in 1984 for the first time: “We are delighted to come together to warmly celebrate the tradition, unity and excellence of our terroirs” . “This emblematic celebration embodies what brings us together: the love of the vine, respect for nature and passion for Burgundy wine.”
“Ladoix-Serrigny, at the foot of the famous Corton hill is a village rich in wine history and some having-and-in-law transmitted from generations to generations,” he said. “This celebration is much more than a folk event, it is a moment of sharing, a communion between those who cultivate the vine, those who love wine and those who come to discover our heritage.”
“We hope for 2025: a better harvest than 2024”
«[Le saint Vincent] Reminds us that we are doing a laborious but also wonderful job, “said Vincent Ravaut, co-president of the Tournant Saint-Vincent,” there will always be better tomorrows “. “We hope for 2025: a better harvest than 2024.”
For his part, David Cachat, another co -president, thanks all the people who contributed to the organization of the event, in particular the volunteers and the people who have decorated their home.
After having induced or raised the mayor of the village and the two co-presidents in rank, the grand-master induces former winegrowers: Denise Mallard, Nicole Ravaut, François Comparet, Michel Terrand, François Painre, Claudette Nudant and Edmond Cornu.
Republican reception at the village table 100% Côte-d'Or
At the same time, in the village 100% Côte-d'Or, whose various catering stands occupy a large part of the avenue de Corton, François Sauvadet (UDI), president of the department of Côte-d'Or, holds an open table.
Welcoming, in a republican way, the civil and military authorities participating in the event, the centrist is joined in particular by René Lioret (RN), deputy of Côte-d'Or, and Michel Neugnot (PS), first vice-president of The Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region.
Go to the Maranges appellation in 2026
In this same space, around Thiébault Huber, the team of the Confederation of appellations and winegrowers of Burgundy (CAVB) regains strength by already thinking of the 82nd edition.
Appointment is given on January 24 and 25, 2026 to celebrate the Maranges, in the south of the Côte de Beaune. Cheilly, Dezize and Sampigny are the three villages that combine to organize this event.
Jean-Christophe Tardivon