Maria del Rio on her experience in “Love is in the meadow”: “It’s not easy to follow Sandrine Dans”

Maria del Rio on her experience in “Love is in the meadow”: “It’s not easy to follow Sandrine Dans”

What motivated you to agree to present Love is in the meadow ?

It was after reflection because I was aware that it is one of the biggest and most beautiful shows on Belgian TV today. And that it is not easy to follow after Sandrine Dans who embodied the show for 12 years. But, deep down, it is the show I dreamed of because it is only human, real.

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Did Sandrine Dans give you any advice before starting the season?

No, no advice, but, aware of the pressure that was building up around me, she told me to stay myself so that Love is in the meadow take a new turn. And, that’s what I did.

Is there a particular story that touched you?

I am touched by everyone’s quest to find love. And it is not easy for them because they all have this primary passion for their job and do not have much time for what is around it. Most of them have never or very rarely taken a vacation. There is very little room for one person in their life. There is in particular Manu’s story that touched me. He is very sensitive. Just talking to him brought tears to my eyes.

How do you experience this role of confidante on the side of the farmers but also of the suitors?

It’s not easy because emotionally, I’m a sponge. I felt a vulnerability on the part of the farmers when the first and second choices are made. At that moment, you have to try to support them as best you can by finding the right words. There is also the side of the candidates that touched me because I saw them struggle and open their hearts to make things move forward.

Do you sometimes manage to get the right choice of farmers?

There are very obvious things, when you feel that it works on both sides. Sometimes I say to myself: “so-and-so would go well with so-and-so” but I’m not going to influence them. I let myself be surprised by their instinct. I too live according to their feelings.

Which stage did you prefer to shoot?

I loved the portraits because it was my way of connecting with them. The moment when we all got together around a table was great too. There are also the more difficult moments on the farm where it’s emotionally tough for both the suitors and the farmers.

Since filming, have you had a different perspective on the world of agriculture?

Before filming this show, I didn’t know how much commitment and passion this job required. I became aware of the difficulties of this job and what pushes farmers to not give up. I have a lot of respect for them and for what they do.

Are you another consumer since filming?

Yes, totally. I have a totally different way of consuming. Now, I go every week to the Uccle market for example.


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