Researchers Discover New Highest Peak in Jura and Keep It Secret

Researchers Discover New Highest Peak in Jura and Keep It Secret

Ever higher – Swiss academics have been able to determine that the highest point in the Jura was ultimately only the second highest mountain in the massif

Race to the summit. There was no doubt among the people of Jura that the highest point in the Jura massif was the Crêt de la Neige, whose peak rises to 1,720.83 m. Except that their beliefs were challenged by the work of Swiss researchers, who amused themselves by measuring other peaks and finally discovered a higher one. According to the Parisianthe difference between the now highest peak in the Jura, named “J1”, and the former highest point of the massif is still several meters.

It was last July that a whole team from the Institute of Earth Sciences in Lausanne, Switzerland, went to the Jura massif with a whole bunch of very, very precise measuring devices. The professor behind this initiative had the idea of ​​dispelling a major doubt about the reliability of the measurements reported on topographic maps dating from the 19th century.

Almost 3m higher than the highest

To install their equipment, the scientists chose a completely anonymous peak located in the sector of the big boss, the Crêt de la Neige. Except that the results provided by the GPS measuring devices capable of centimetric precision left the Swiss speechless. ParisianGyörgy Hetényi, the leader of the expedition, confided (…) - 20minutes

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