In the early 1980s, Evelyne Dhéliat co-hosted the show The House of TF1 alongside Jean Lanzi. As she celebrates her 50th career on television, she was the guest of the TF1 morning show, Bonjour!, Monday January 6, 2025. The opportunity for Evelyne Dhéliat to some revelations behind the scenes of this show which still brings back very good memories. For example, the dog viewers could see on the show was her pet, Julie. The one who then became a weather presenter on the first channel remembered that people loved this show because with Jean Lanzi, they represented real life. While they played a couple on air, many people thought they were together in real life as well.
Evelyne Dhéliat has fond memories of the TF1 show La Maison
“People thought Jean Lanzi was my husband“, she said, laughing. “I did La maison on TF1, from 1982 to 1988 with Nicolas le Jardinier and Jean Lanzi. We were filmed in a house and the audience followed us like a real family. It was a bit like reality TV before its time! It was one of the happiest memories of my career.“, she added. 40 years later, the one who has a strong opinion on cosmetic surgery continues to shine on TF1. Remarkable longevity. “Young people tell me that they have grown up (…)
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