One was Minister of the Interior for more than four years and, after only three months of absence, has just returned to the government to take the portfolio of Justice with the title of Minister of State. The other entered the Barnier government to succeed the previous one at the Interior. He was confirmed in his position at the end of December by François Bayrou, with the additional title of Minister of State for him as well. Gérald Darmanin and Bruno Retailleau form, within the government, a fairly new pair for decades, because both claim to embody a policy of firmness, both with regard to crime and delinquency and illegal immigration. Gérald Darmanin has just deplored the lack of resources allocated to Justice, even though he has been minister since 2017. Bruno Retailleau, for his part, when he entered Beauvau on September 21, said: “ I have three priorities: restore order, restore order, restore order », as a sort of disavowal towards his predecessor… with whom he must work today. SO…
[VOTRE AVIS] Does the Darmanin-Retaileau pairing convince you?
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