Zoé (Secret Story): a six-euro dress and a multi-million-euro yacht, far from her Alexis

Zoé (Secret Story): a six-euro dress and a multi-million-euro yacht, far from her Alexis
Zoé (Secret Story): a six-euro dress and a multi-million-euro yacht, far from her Alexis

As the final of Secret Story took place on June 18, the season’s candidates continue to make headlines by regularly updating their social networks to the delight of fans. Among the most popular, we find the pretty Belgian Zoe. His love story with Alexis fascinates the crowds. This Saturday, the young woman published a photo where she appeared in a superb outfit. However, no trace of her darling on the horizon…

The one who had a secret I participated in Miss Universe had a nice journey through the house of secrets. Eliminated at the gates of the final, Zoé still had the pleasure of seeing her companion Alexis, with whom she fell in love during the adventure, win this 2024 edition a few days later.

Zoe goes out in the evening without Alexis during her weekend in Majorca

Since the end of Secret Storythe two lovebirds have reunited and never miss an opportunity to share photos with their subscribers. However, this weekend, theformer Miss Belgiumjournalist for the Belgian media SPITwas on the side of Majorca in Spain with his team. Alexis was not invited to this trip, apparently for professional reasons.

Too bad for him, because the beauty queen was out this Saturday evening and her pretty tight silk dress with floral patterns must have turned a few heads on the Spanish island. ” And million euro yacht and an dress for 6 euros on the same photo »she commented humorously on the sidelines of her publication.

Zoe’s sexy dress sparks fan reaction

Obviously, the photo aroused many reactions from his fans. “Shows even an inexpensive piece of clothing can enhance a person! Gorgeous », “We want the reference of this amazing dress ! », “The dress is splendid becauseshe is beautifully worn » or even « Alexis gives the chance »we could read among other things in the comments.

This little one singles outing comes a few days after Alexis’ beautiful statement. In a video posted on TikTok, the big winner of Secret Storysitting next to his beautiful wife on the terrace, loudly stated that he had « really won everything ». Without a doubt, their reunion after Zoe’s Hispanic escapade are likely to be very hot !



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