“I don’t recognize myself at all”, Ludivine expresses herself bluntly about her adventure

Ludivine has finally broken the silence surrounding her much-criticized sequence in Married at First Sight. The young woman was on Sam Zirah’s Youtube show and returned to this highlight of the show.

The last season of Married at First Sight ended recently on M6. Finally, viewers were able to find out if their favorite couples were still together or not. Since then, fans have been able to see their candidates everywhere. Indeed, after the broadcast of the last episode, some participants have made a series of media appearances. This is particularly the case for Ludivine who seems in great demand.

We remember that the young woman, in a relationship with Raphaël, had made a lot of noise in the M6 ​​program. In question: this scene of confrontation at the restaurant between the bride and groom where the young woman did not understand why her husband was not attracted to her. At that time she said: “If you don’t vibrate for a type of woman like me, you won’t vibrate for anyone.” A little sentence which triggered strong reactions from fans who did not hesitate to say that Ludivine had a big head. A controversial passage to which she returned during an interview on the show In complete privacy by Sam Zirah broadcast on YouTube.

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Le mea culpa de Ludivine

During a long interview with the Married at First Sight candidate, Sam Zirah asked her to return to this restaurant scene. “I can’t even explain what was going through my head”, said Ludivine before continuing: “Both of us cannot place it in our experience. If I had been the viewer of this, I would have said to myself ‘That’s still very curious, Madam’. So I don’t recognize myself at all. Also, I have evolved. All this was eight months ago now. Between everything that happened afterward and between us since, I don’t recognize myself at all. These kinds of words also shock me. This is not beautiful.

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As the young woman says, this reaction was triggered by an emotional insecurity she felt at that moment. She explains that she had decided to make herself beautiful for him and during this sequence, she wanted to know if he liked her. But when Raphaël didn’t respond as she hoped, she was shocked: “I’m hurt to think that I married a man I’m trying to seduce and I’m not attracted to him”.

Criticisms of Ludivine’s physique

As we know, this passage of Married at first sight earned Ludivine a lot of criticism. If some fans talked about her attitude towards Raphaël, others went much further and attacked her physique. A point on which she returned with Sam Zirah.My complexes will be the fact of not standing very straight or my nose, which made people laugh a lot. I took a lot on my teeth and smile. I smile too much with my mouth open, my teeth are clenched”, she revealed.

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Fortunately, Ludivine did not pay attention to the inappropriate comments about her physique: “Everyone is as they are. People who make these comments must also have their complexes. I try to have a critique as if I were the viewer of what happened to be a little more constructive. When it comes to construction, exchange, they also understand.“We can say that the candidate has a lot of strength and resilience.


Passionate about issues of feminism and society, Allison puts her pen to work on current affairs for Aufeminin. It covers a wide range of themes to provide you with…



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