Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double


The Occupation Double frenzy has been sweeping Quebec for almost a week now, while the red carpet and the first episodes of OD Mexico give us a glimpse of a high-quality season!

Unprecedented twists, highly entertaining candidates and rapprochements on the horizon: the ingredients for a good vintage seem to be there.

But what we especially remember from this first week is the animation of Alicia Moffet and Frédérick Robichaud who we feel are much more confident and assertive than last year. Let us remember that the couple had very big shoes to fill and were arriving in a particularly delicate situation.

Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double

After six seasons with Jay Du Temple as host, and after a scandal that affected all of Quebec and forced the production to expel candidates and interrupt the adventure, Ali and Fred did not find themselves in an easy situation, especially since they arrived at the helm of one of the most watched shows on Quebec television, without any experience in hosting.

Their first season went well, without any major mistakes, but without having managed to make an impression. Which, in the circumstances, was already a great victory. But we have the impression that in the last few months, the couple has worked extra hard to show that they deserve their place and that they have everything they need to leave their mark on the Occupation Double brand.

So far, so good!

It must be said that this is the first time that OD is hosted by a duo of hosts. In addition, it is a couple. Frédérick Robichaud is the first former candidate of the popular reality TV show to become a host and Alicia Moffet is the first woman to host OD.

It should also be noted that as a young mother, it is an additional challenge to combine her role as an entertainer with that of a mother in shared custody. In fact, Alicia shared with her Instagram followers that she was making an express round trip to join her daughter.

Here is the photo that was posted on Alicia Moffet’s Instagram story on Friday:

Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double

Say what you will, it’s such a positive and inspiring message to show that you can be a parent and have a thriving career that requires time, energy and being in the spotlight.

Well done, Alicia!

For Occupation Double fans who are looking forward to Sunday to see the first party of the season as well as the first elimination, here are some photos that were posted on the show’s Facebook page:

Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double
Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double
Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double
Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double
Alicia Moffet already back in Quebec in the middle of filming Occupation Double

A rise in milk in order

Those who follow Alicia Moffet on social media were surprised to see the stories published on Monday on her Instagram account. In a legitimate surge of anger, the young woman wanted to say:

“This is a public service announcement to all those who write to me asking if I’m pregnant because you tuned in to the red carpet and saw that I have a bump on my belly. Because I live, breathe and eat.

If you’ve listened to OD Extra, you’ll notice that it’s bloating. Bloating. Lots of bloating! From Montreal to Mexico, the plane, the Mexican food…it doesn’t make a great cocktail where I live.

Also, the day I get pregnant and want to hide it so it stays a secret, I’m going to hide it MUCH better than that!”

We then hear her lover ask her: “What are you trying to hide?”

To which the talented Alicia responds: “Well, it’s because people think I’m pregnant because of the red carpet.”

“Well no, it’s just because you have gas!”

Here is the sequence in question, published in Alicia Moffet’s Instagram story:

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