Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 958 of Tuesday July 2, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 958 of Tuesday July 2, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV
Here it all begins: what awaits you in episode 958 of Tuesday July 2, 2024 [SPOILERS] – News Series on TV

In the next episode of “Here it all begins”… At the villa, Carla finds herself alone against everyone. For his part, Enzo faces a bittersweet victory. Lionel tries to detach himself from Kelly, in vain.

Warning, the following paragraphs contain spoilers for the episode of Here it all begins broadcast Tuesday evening on TF1! If you prefer not to know anything, move on.

Tuesday July 2 in Here it all begins…

Carla and Bérénice make a disturbing discovery

At the villa, Souleymane enjoys the swimming pool, while his friends rush around the brunch table. When Cléo comes to ask if they need her to cook something for them, Souleymane rushes out of the pool to ask her for a boiled egg – which does not escape Pénélope. When the adults join the teenagers, Carla purposely goes inside to avoid Paul. But the latter follows her and holds her by the arm, urging her to pay attention to what she says or what she does, at the risk of regretting it.

Later, Rose goes to see her daughter, who is in the company of Bérénice, reproaching her for not having apologized to Paul and for continuing to be unpleasant with him. Carla explains that she doesn’t trust him, revealing the threats he made towards her earlier. Rose thinks she’s dramatizing the situation. Stung, Carla accuses her mother of throwing herself at the first person who comes along only because she can’t stand the fact that her ex got back together with a young girl. But Rose does not let his words affect her. She is determined not to let her vacation be ruined.

By the pool, Penelope, Souleymane, Jasmine and Jim are lounging on deckchairs, more or less embarrassed by the tensions between Carla, Rose and Paul. At the same time, Penelope catches Souleymane checking out Cleo from afar. So she encourages him to approach her directly. Instead, Souleymane suggests to his friends that they go for a walk. They decide to go to the beach.

Souleymane suggests to Carla and Bérénice to come with them on the condition that there is no bad atmosphere. He knows full well that Carla invited them to the villa just to annoy Rose. Carla denies it and refuses his suggestion to go to the beach. As soon as Souleymane leaves, Bérénice agrees with him. She thinks that her girlfriend is going too far because of her jealousy of Paul. Again, Carla assures that she is not jealous. On the contrary, she is convinced that Paul is hiding something.

For her part, Rose walks with Paul in the garden of the villa and takes the opportunity to apologize for Carla’s behavior. Paul reassures her: he doesn’t mind them staying at his place. Indeed, he has already dealt with this kind of situation when he was dating a woman who already had a teenage son who didn’t like him very much. Rose admits that even if she doesn’t know Carla very well since she discovered quite recently that she is his biological daughter, she knows her well enough to know that she doesn’t mean any harm by acting the way she does. Paul then decides to take Rose for a ride in his vintage car. She accepts on the condition that he lets her drive.

Alone in the villa, Carla and Bérénice go upstairs and meet Cléo. She tells them that she works at the villa all year round, but that she doesn’t see Paul much because he often travels. And when he’s not traveling, he stays locked in his office where no one is allowed to go. Besides, there is a digital code on the door. This arouses Carla’s curiosity. Once Cleo leaves, she manages to crack the code after several attempts. Carla and Bérénice enter the office, discovering an entire wall where weapons are displayed. Frightened, the two young girls take a photo of him before leaving the office.

Shortly after, Paul and Rose return to the villa after going for a drive. Rose declares that she loved this adrenaline rush. Paul approaches her to kiss her and she kisses him back…

Enzo suffers a disappointment

Following David’s departure, Enzo has recovered his room at the shared accommodation in the marshes. He has barely put his things down and he is already putting into practice all the ideas he had during the night for his new concept. Vic comes to support him, certain that Leroy will agree to entrust her with the ephemeral restaurant. Enzo then suggests that she work alongside him as a second, which pleases his girlfriend. At the same time, Enzo and Vic receive a summons from the director of the Institute.

So they go together to his office. Leroy announces that he is offering the position of chef of the pop-up restaurant to Vic in order to congratulate her on her end-of-year exams, where she finished valedictorian. As for Enzo, he offers to supervise the ephemeral restaurant. He will therefore be paid to support Vic in the creation of his menu, in the constitution of his brigade, then according to the necessary adjustments to the restaurant. Very interested, Vic however asks Leroy for a period of reflection before making a decision.

In the park, Enzo admits to Vic that he is disappointed by Leroy’s proposal because he had planned to be the chef of the ephemeral restaurant. He regrets not being able to cook. Vic makes him see the bright side of things: being a supervisor will allow him to get paid and they will be able to spend the summer together. The young girl manages to convince her boyfriend to accept Leroy’s proposal by admitting that his presence at her side would reassure her.

Kelly says goodbye to Lionel

Solal and Lionel go to the amphitheater for the first day of the summer camp. Among the participants, there is Mattéo, Jude’s boyfriend, but also Zoé, Lionel’s younger sister, who reunites with her best childhood friend Gary, as well as Thelma, who arrives late. Lionel then establishes some essential rules concerning respect for hierarchy, involvement and punctuality.

For their first exercise, Mattéo and Thelma are in pairs. When Solal comes to see their plate, the young girl takes the opportunity to tell him how happy she is to see him again. For his part, Lionel is uncompromising towards Gary and his sister’s recipe. He is then interrupted by the arrival of Kelly.

It is indeed time to leave for Brittany for Kelly who has decided to work in Salomé’s restaurant. Her mother is traveling with her to help her settle in before returning to the Institute during the week. By observing Lionel and Kelly, the summer camp participants better understand why he was so demanding of them from the start of the day and feel compassion for him.

It is with great emotion that Lionel and Kelly say goodbye…



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