Jeanne Balibar, Clément Viktorovitch, JoeyStarr… The Avignon Festival is organizing a night of mobilization before the second round – Libération

Jeanne Balibar, Clément Viktorovitch, JoeyStarr… The Avignon Festival is organizing a night of mobilization before the second round – Libération
Jeanne Balibar, Clément Viktorovitch, JoeyStarr… The Avignon Festival is organizing a night of mobilization before the second round – Libération


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2024 legislative electionsdossier

The director of “in”, Tiago Rodrigues, announced that he would be organizing “the Night of Avignon” on Thursday, July 4, in the courtyard of the Palais des Papes, in response to the results of the first round of the legislative elections. It will be an evening of “thoughts, debates, speeches and artistic gestures”, with many personalities on the program.

The fight continues. At the Avignon Festival, shortly after midnight on the night of June 30 to July 1, a few hours after the results of the first round of the legislative elections, Tiago Rodrigues took to the stage of the magnificent Carrière de Boulbon, at the end of the performance of his show Hecuba, not Hecuba. After a score of almost 30% from the National Rally, the director of “in” announced the launch “of the Night of Avignon, between the two rounds of the elections”, in partnership with the municipality, the local authorities which support the festival, the unions and the “off”. This initiative will take place in the prestigious courtyard of the Palais des Papes on the night of July 4 to 5 from 12:30 a.m., after the performance of Damon, Bergman’s funeral by Angélica Liddell, and will be free.

The Portuguese director announced that it will be a night “of the arts, of thought, of debates, of speeches, of gestures



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