Sauron will be a kind of Walter White according to the creator

Sauron will be a kind of Walter White according to the creator
Sauron will be a kind of Walter White according to the creator

Le showrunner de The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Patrick McKay recently spoke about Sauron, and he has some pretty big ambitions for the series’ big bad.

The first season of Rings of Power was far from perfect (to say the least) although it contained some interesting ideas. The treatment of Sauron for example, whose identity was hidden until the end of season 1, was one of the few good points of the series. And obviously, given the importance of the character in the universe, we wonder what the writers will do with it in season 2 (it would be a shame to miss it).

And while this actor revealed that season 2 of the Lord of the Rings was going to start very suddenly, Amazon series creator Patrick McKay recently discussed Sauron… by comparing him directly to Walter Whitethe anti-hero of Breaking Bad.

The Lord of Breaking Bad

Will Sauron be the Walter White of Middle-earth? In any case, this is what Patrick McKay hopes, in part. Interviewed by Empire, he talked about Sauron and his role in season 2, while comparing his antagonist with the journeys of other great pop culture villains, in particular to demonstrate the extent of his potential on screen:

“If you had to pick one reason to make this series and set it in this era of mythology [de Tolkien]it’s Sauron. From the first minute, we talked about John Milton’s Paradise Lost [qui évoque dans son premier chapitre la chute de Satan du Paradis]Walter White and Tony Soprano, and the potential for Sauron to resemble these great villains [ou anti-héros]. It’s a great story that’s never been seen on screen.”

Is he the nice one?

Apart from John Milton, we had not seen the influences of Breaking Bad and of The Sopranos in our bingo SDA of 2024. But one thing is for sure, it is very intriguing that the showrunner sees the best comparisons for his Sauron in The Rings of Power and not exactly stupid to follow his journey as that of a fallen hero turned monster over time. He then talked about the plot of season 2 and the main concept surrounding Sauron’s plan, now that the spectators know his identity:

“He was hiding in our story [pendant la saison 1]. Now the idea with season 2 is this: the audience is in on the scam. We know who he is. We know pretty much what he wants. The fun part is seeing other people get caught up in his web.

As the season unfolds, the plan begins. The cards come down one after the other until, in the last two episodes, we realize the level and extent of his wickedness and the depth of his strategy. All of our stories begin to become one story, and that story explains how Sauron’s re-emergence affects everyone and threatens the entire world. »

Oh no, he’s not very nice apparently

Sauron is already an iconic pop culture antagonist, but The Rings of Power Will she manage to transcend this image to make us discover a more unknown side of the character? The future will tell us, but it is certain that the big bad will not be able to carry the series alone, and the new episodes will have to be (much) superior to the first ones for us to really be able to ask ourselves the question .

As a reminder, season 2 of Rings of Power will land on Prime Video from August 29.



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