Georges discovers the secret of Mélody and Violette and Jordan (finally) as a couple (Complete summary of episode 1720)

“Tomorrow Belongs to Us” in advance with the detailed and complete summary of episode 1720 of Thursday July 4, 2024 – In this new episode which will be broadcast next Wednesday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, Violette and Jordan reach a milestone while Georges discovers Mélody’s secret.

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The previous summary of Tomorrow Belongs to Us from Wednesday July 3, 2024 from News Actual is also online.

Also find DNA spoilers until July 19, 2024. Good reading.

Tomorrow Belongs to Us: Summary of the episode of July 4, 2024

Will Marianne’s ploy work?

At the start of the morning, Marianne warns Chloé that she plans to organize a small aperitif at her house this evening. But Chloé planned to go to the Moreno house with Alex and thought that her mother could keep Céleste. Marianne suggests that she take her daughter to Sylvain and Christelle. Chloé asks her mother who she is organizing this aperitif for. Marianne replies that she invited Sébastien Perraud and his granddaughter, Maud. Chloé probes her mother to find out why she didn’t invite Camille as well, but without success. Marianne changes the conversation and asks her daughter to go buy her some groceries for her aperitif.

At midday, Chloé has lunch with Raphaëlle and reveals to her that her mother has invited Sébastien and Maud for an aperitif this evening. The two friends quickly realize that it is a ploy by Marianne to reunite Diego and Maud.

At the start of the evening, Diego and Marianne are finishing preparations for the aperitif when the doorbell rings. Diego goes to open the door and finds himself facing Sébastien and Maud. Diego is surprised, because he didn’t know that the teenager was coming. A few minutes later, Sébastien tells Marianne that he is having a great time. However, Marianne isn’t sure she’s good company right now. She adds that she has no desire to lament her fate, because Renaud would not like that. Then, Maud informs her grandfather that she and Diego would like to go to the Spoon. Sébastien offers to drop them off, because he has to go home. Once alone, Marianne sinks into melancholy.

Jordan declares his feelings to Violette

Violette didn’t sleep well the whole night because she was thinking about Jordan. At breakfast, she confides to Charles that Jordan barely reacted yesterday when she told him she missed him. Charles assumes he was caught off guard or that he has trouble expressing his feelings. He then encourages Violette to be happy, because Jordan wants to see her today. He thinks this invitation feels like a date.

At the hut, Jordan chooses the best place on the beach for his meeting with Violette. But the young girl arrives a few minutes late and Jordan is no longer on the deckchairs. She is dismayed and confides in Charles. Violette feels like fate is working against them and laments the fact that neither she nor Jordan can express their feelings towards each other. Jordan arrives and overhears their conversation. Charles signals to his sister that the young man is right behind her. Violette is uncomfortable. Then, Violette and Audrey’s son take a walk on the beach. Jordan takes his courage in both hands and admits to Violette that he misses her and that he constantly thinks about her. They then share their first real kiss.

Georges discovers Mélody’s secret

Georges and Mona discuss Mélody’s guilt. Georges explains to his mother that there are clues pointing to his partner. Mona asks her son if Mélody confessed during her interrogation, but she didn’t. She then defends the young woman, whom she describes as honest and upright. Georges points out that Mélody hid things from him and continues to hide them from him. “Maybe, but she’s not a murderer and if you don’t fight to prove it, then you’re the one who betrayed her,” Mona replies.

Not far from there, at the Roussels’, Audrey asks Damien if he knows how Mélody is doing. The latter replies that he only knows that she was placed in an individual cell. Audrey then asks her husband for help to obtain a meeting room with Mélody. Damien doesn’t think this is a good idea. He has the impression that his wife does not realize the seriousness of things. Then, Damien asks Audrey what is so important for her to say to Mélody. Audrey doesn’t answer her question and insists that her friend needs her.

At the police station, Georges confides to Roxane that he is conducting a parallel investigation into Mélody and emphasizes that they have nothing conclusive against her, just circumstantial evidence. He wonders if they missed something. Roxane decides to help him in his research.

Audrey, for her part, obtained a visiting room with Mélody. The young woman seems to be at the end of her rope. Audrey encourages her friend to tell the truth. Mélody thinks that it would be of no use. Audrey does not share his opinion and emphasizes that on the contrary, it would justify everything. Then, she encourages her to fight, because if she doesn’t fight back, she will spend years in prison. But Mélody is afraid of the consequences that could result if she speaks. Audrey refuses to see her friend ruin her life and warns her: if she doesn’t tell the truth, she will do it for her.

Not far from there, Violette receives a visit from Bastien. He reveals to her that he was summoned to the police this morning and that the investigators discovered that Mélody had killed her father. Violette is stunned. Bastien then confides to his friend that he feels terribly alone without his father and bursts into tears. Violette hugs him to comfort him.

At the police station, Georges and Roxane discuss their investigations. They discovered that Mélody and John Kovac were both born in Amiens. But that’s not all. Every time John Kovac left a city, in the six months that followed, Mélody did the same thing: Montreuil, Rennes and now Sète. Each time, the pattern was the same. John sold his garage to move elsewhere and Mélody requested a transfer a few months later. But why ? Roxane assumes that Mélody was obsessed with John, that he moved to escape her and that she ended up finding him. Georges is skeptical. He doesn’t think she would have gotten into a relationship with him if she was obsessed with John. In addition, she was very invested in their relationship and took care of Lucien, whom she loved. Suddenly, Georges seems to make the link between Mélody and Bastien and undertakes new research.

Bastien, for his part, goes to the Spoon to question Audrey. He asks her if she knew that his father and Mélody had a relationship. Audrey tells him that this is not what he thinks. Furthermore, she does not think that Mélody is guilty of murdering her father. Then, she encourages Bastien to stop tormenting his mind with all these questions.

Mélody, for her part, receives a visit from Georges in prison. He reveals to her that he has done some research on her and that he has discovered that she and John have known each other for 20 years. Then, he adds: “However, it is not him that you followed from town to town, but Bastien, his son, because he is also yours.”. Mélody then bursts into tears.

Find “Tomorrow Belongs to Us” from Monday to Friday at 7:10 p.m. on TF1, but also in streaming and replay on the TF1+ platform.



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