Ambre (Large Families) reveals her shared tattoo with her 17-year-old daughter

Ambre (Large Families) reveals her shared tattoo with her 17-year-old daughter
Ambre (Large Families) reveals her shared tattoo with her 17-year-old daughter

This Sunday, June 30, Ambre (Large families) revealed the shared tattoo she got with her 17-year-old daughter Jade at a wedding. The mother explained the touching meaning of the phrase they chose to tattoo.

Since she separated from Alexandre, the father of her last two children, Ambre has shared her daily life as a single mother on social networks. At her side are often present Jade, Maëlys, Lizandro, Joaquim and Winona, members of her tribe to whom she is very close. This Sunday, June 30, it was with the eldest of the siblings that the mother appeared on her Instagram account. The former candidate of Large families: life in XXL has revealed the joint tattoo she got with Jade, her 17-year-old daughter, at a wedding.

Amber (Large families) gets a tattoo with his 17 year old daughter

Ambre surprised Internet users with a video where she goes under the needle. “There are some tattoos that I will never regret, no matter what happens, and they are the ones that represent my children.”she confided about the memories she engraved on her skin. “And today I share a tattoo with my daughter”she announced to the great surprise of her subscribers. “We got a joint tattoo with Jade. This is the first time I’ve seen this at a wedding. I find it very original. They brought in a tattoo artist with flash tattoos and I, as my friend had told me about it, I sent the sentence that we wanted to do with Jade.”she explained about the opportunity she had to get a tattoo with her child.

Amber (Large families) explains the meaning of his shared tattoo with his daughter Jade

“I love you to the moon and back”this is the sentence that Ambre and Jade have engraved on their skin forever. A choice that the mother explained in her Instagram story: “This sentence represents us a little bit because with our children, we keep saying to ourselves: ‘I love you to the moon and the stars’. It has a bit of the same meaning, it’s: ‘I love you to the moon and beyond’ in English.” Asked about the fact that her daughter Jade is still a minor, Ambre recalled that getting a tattoo before the age of 18 is possible “with parental permission”.



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