Jordan Ba’s knee-jerk reaction…

Jordan Ba’s knee-jerk reaction…
Jordan Ba’s knee-jerk reaction…

Guest on Cyril Hanouna’s show on Europe 1, Jordan Bardella responded to the personalities who are calling to vote against the National Rally.

This Thursday, June 27, Jordan Bardella was invited on the show We walk on the head. As the legislative elections are fast approaching, the president of the National Rally came
speaking out against Cyril Hanouna. He spoke in particular about the personalities and influencers who openly support the National Front.

In recent weeks, many personalities have come out of silence in the media to block the National Rally. After the French football team, it was the former socialist minister and former director of the IMF Dominique Strauss-Kahn who spoke. He called for “eliminate the far-right candidate” in the second round of legislative elections.

The reaction of the president of the National Rally

Cyril Hanouna then asked: “What do you say to people who call not to vote for the National Rally?” Jordan Bardella’s reaction on the subject was not long in coming: “I am very uncomfortable. First, everyone thinks what they want and takes the positions they want. But for me, I am very uncomfortable seeing influencers who are lucky enough to have gigantic salaries of several million euros per year, and who are very often expatriates in Dubai, coming to tell people the way which they must vote for. And incidentally tell them not to vote for the National Rally”explained Jordan Bardella at the microphone of Europe 1.

The politician then continued: “Come and tell people who are winning 1,300 or 1,400 euros and who don’t have the chance to live in buildings overprotected by digital codes and security agents, that makes me uncomfortable”added the president of the National Rally.

Jordan Bardella discusses teachers’ concerns

During his interview, Jordan Bardella also returned to another subject. The one on the INSEE Living Environment and Security (CVS) survey. According to this study, 12% of national education personnel declare to be victims every year of threats or insults. “It is a phenomenon which is spreading today throughout the territory. It is also spreading in all cities, in all schools”declared Jordan Bardella, after the testimony of a listener of the show.

The leader of the far-right party went on to detail certain measures he would like to put in place. “We particularly wish to strengthen sanctions against minor delinquency. But also set up educational centers. They would make it possible to welcome profiles who are currently disrupting the proper functioning of the school. It’s not up to teachers. It is not up to members of the educational community to turn their backs and leave the public service. It is up to the disruptors and the most dangerous elements to be ousted from the moment they disturb the proper functioning of the school“, concluded Jordan Bardella at the microphone of Europe 1.



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