Simone Ashley defends Nicola Coughlan after attacks on her physique

Simone Ashley defends Nicola Coughlan after attacks on her physique
Simone Ashley defends Nicola Coughlan after attacks on her physique

Simone Ashley defended her friend and partner in the series available on Netflix The Bridgerton ChronicleNicola Coughlan. Indeed, the one who plays Penelope has been the victim of attacks on her physique.

Season 3 of The Bridgerton Chronicles, a series from the streaming platform Netflix, has been a hit since the launch of the first part in mid-May, but also since the end of this salvo, centered on Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington, was put online in mid-June. A season that the show’s many fans have clearly appreciated, if we are to believe the success of the series in terms of viewing hours and the comments posted online. Seeing love scenes between Nicola Coughlan and Luke Newton, whose chemistry was beyond doubt, pleased many viewers. Unfortunately, some did not hesitate to insult the actress and make grossophobic comments. His partner and friend Simone Ashley defended him during the Monte Carlo Television Festival, at the microphone of Deadline : “The haters will rage, but I really don’t think she lets the criticism get to her”, she said. The English actress added that she felt “inspired” by Nicola Coughlan who has “a solid and fulfilled career”.

The Bridgerton Chronicles : Simone Ashley pays tribute to Nicola Coughlan

“She is a beautiful woman, strong, self-confident, intelligent and also a very kind human being”also confided Simone Ashley, who should return in season 4, adding that the charisma of the interpreter of Penelope had come to light during the promotional tour for season 3 of The Bridgerton Chronicles : “I watched her go on this tour and spread so much joy and inspiration to everyone, especially women, all over the world.”

The Bridgerton Chronicles : Nicola Coughlan attacks critics

At the beginning of June, Nicola Coughlan ended up responding to a controversy that was as surprising as it was useless: some accused her of having “photoshoper” its size in the third season of The Bridgerton Chronicles. “I saw trolls. They were like, ‘They photoshopped your waist,’ and I was like, ‘No, they didn’t.'”she told People. A journalist also criticized the fact that a woman with the shape of the Irish actress could seduce a handsome aristocrat. As Nicola Coughlan revealed in Stylistit was she who had the idea of ​​the famous mirror scene: “It was my idea. It felt like the biggest ‘f**k you’ to any discussion about my body. It was incredibly liberating.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias



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