10 books to put in your suitcase this summer

10 books to put in your suitcase this summer
10 books to put in your suitcase this summer

Holidays are only a few weeks away, but you’re already thinking about outfits and to the works that you will slip into your luggage. The most impatient among you will even have written a small list in the notes on their phone to make sure they don’t forget anything. We understand you 100%. One golden rule however: don’t forget The book, the one that will accompany you on a walk, on the beach, in France or on the other side of the world. Precisely, the start of the year 2024 was rich in literary outings. We have made a selection for you 10 books which will perfectly rock your summer. It’s up to you to choose one… or ten!

What is missing from love
by Alizé Cornet

With What is missing from loveAlizé Cornet signs a second novel imbued with a touch of nostalgia and a infinite tenderness. Nina, Marcel and Romain are friends and form a sort of inseparable trio. However, they each have a flaw, fear of disappointing, addictions, the need to be loved. But through the strength of their friendship, they support each other to overcome, togetherall the trials that come their way.

What is missing from love
Alizé Cornet
Published by Albin Michel

Being a mother
Julia Kerninon and collective

With a feather and a style of their own, seven authors come together to make us experience beauty, the power but also the disarray and storms of motherhood. So, Julia KerninonClémentine Beauvais, Camille Anseaume, Claire Berest, Adeline DieudonnéVictoire de Changy and Louise Browaeys tell us their story and share with all the women who will have this work in their hands, all the things they would have liked to know before become mothers.

Being a mother
Julia Kerninon & co
Published by L’Iconoclaste

Five hearts on borrowed time
by Laure Manel

Catherine is a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister. In his life, everything is blossoming. Except for one detail. The day the police ring his doorbell to stop itthis idyllic family daily life changes to reveal another facet of Catherine, whom no one could have suspected. A novel thought like a detective storywhich we cannot put down so much we become attached to the characters.

Five hearts on borrowed time
Laura Manel
Published by Michel Lafon

by Eve Guerra

Annabella is a student in Lyon, far from her native Congo. When she learns the death of his father remaining in Africa, the young woman’s life is suspended. Memories then cloud his mind, those of his childhoodthe departure of his mother, the relationship his father had with a younger woman… This tragic event raises many questions and questioned. A first novel inspired by the life of the author, and won the Transfuge prize for best first French novel and the Goncourt prize for the first novel.

Eve Guerra
Published by Grasset

The unknown woman in the portrait
by Camille de Peretti

Was this woman represented in a painting painted by Gustav Klimt in Vienna in 1910, bought by an anonymous collector in 1916, retouched in 1917, stolen in 1997 before reappearing in 2019? Through this suspense novelCamille de Peretti reveals loves, successes and family secrets, and takes us from Vienna to Texas via Manhattan and Italy, in search of the origins of this mysterious “ unknown from the portrait “. A work rewarded by the Maison de la Presse prize 2024.

The unknown woman in the portrait
Camille de Peretti
Published by Calmann-Lévy

The time of the counterfeiters
Bettina Wohlfarth

The time of the counterfeiters, it’s exactly everything you want from a good summer book. A family saga where the timelines mingle and the destinies of the characters intersect. On a historical backdrop, that of the interwar period and then the Second World War, Bettina Wohlfarth interweaves intimate confessions and reflection on art. Careful writing and a gripping plotwho take us in the footsteps of these endearing characters, to try to disentangle the true from the false….

The time of the counterfeiters
Bettina Wohlfarth
Published by Liana Levi – piccolo

The Nightingale
Anne-Gaëlle Huon

In 1994Tony, ten years old, has a dream: to win the competition best bird imitator, organized in his small village in the Bay of Somme. To try to forget the gradual tearing apart of his family, he trains tirelessly. A day, Louis, a little Parisian boy, arrives and turns Tony’s life upside down. A novel which stands out as an ode to the marvelous landscapes of Bay of Sommefriendship and childhood.

The Nightingale
Anne-Gaëlle Huon
Published by Albin Michel

The drift
by Florence Gardelle

While he has been desperately looking for work for some time, Michel Medor responds somewhat by chance to a mysterious ad. From one day to the next, he finds himself in unknown land accompanied by Professor Zonzon, a completely perched biologist hen. And one thing is sure, the adventure may be crazy. An extremely funny comic strip, where the clever jokes has no equivalent other than the deep message around the importance and beauty of nature.

The drift
Florence Gardelle
To the editions Gallimard

Don’t forget why you dance
by Aurélie Dupont

She was principal dancer of the national ballet of the Paris Opera, then was its director. Since I was little, Aurélie Dupont dreamed of being on stage and becoming that star. In this autobiography, the dancer confides in her wonderful journey, sometimes littered with suffering and sacrifice. Through her words, she transports us to the behind the scenes of his lifeof this demanding profession and of one of the greatest Parisian institutions.

Don’t forget why you dance
Aurélie Dupont
Published by Albin Michel

A golden era
Titiou Lecoq

Everything is going relatively well in the life of Chloe Berthoul, 38 years old. She lives in Gabarny with her partner Greg, their son Raoul and his daughter-in-law Colette. A classic daily life, until the day when his neighborsseemingly calm and uneventful, are unmasked in a robbery case. Chloé finds herself somewhat upset and realizes the simplicity of her life. But one family secret will resurface, thus spicing up the existence of the latter. It is then a real treasure hunt which is started alongside Lapouta, his little neighbor.

A golden era
Titiou Lecoq
Published by L’Iconoclaste


With “Equal Sex”the publishing house Beta publisher wanted to offer readers a resolutely feminist and committed. So, The fun & simple little guide to feminism for everyone, by Samantha Feitelson, gives all the keys to understanding feminism in a fun and accessible way. As the Olympic Games approach, the author also looked at the place of women in this sporting competition. She traces this race for equality in The women’s Olympic Games. With his novel It was just a joke, Caroline Peiffer addresses school bullying, cyberbullying and their consequences on young people. Three books to obtain urgently!



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