No vacation for Cyril Hanouna: the name of his new show finally revealed

No vacation for Cyril Hanouna: the name of his new show finally revealed
No vacation for Cyril Hanouna: the name of his new show finally revealed

While the season of Do not touch My TV is almost finished, Cyril Hanouna has just announced that he would host a new show on the antenna of Europe 1. This unique program is launched to follow daily political news in the context of anticipated legislative.

Hyperactive Cyril Hanouna? Whether they like it or not, listeners of Europe 1 will in any case have to make do with June 17 to 29. Scheduled between 4 and 6 p.m.he steals the place of the show Sophie & friendsto the great surprise of her former friend Enora Malagré, current columnist for Sophie Davant. “Believe we are sorry. We really all learned about it an hour ago! »she said.

Cyril Hanouna reveals the name of his new radio show

In the absence of vacation, the troublemaker of the PAF therefore sets down his bags on the radio for the last half of June in order to dissect thebusy political news which is happening in the coming days. In the show called We walk on the headCyril Hanouna will exchange with columnists, guests or listeners.

This is an exercise that the facilitator is used to. When yellow vest crisisCyril Hanouna had in fact created the show Balance your post! leaving entertainment behind in favor of political and societal debate. In addition to this program, we also remember that he had received different presidential candidates 2022 in Facing Baba.

Cyril Hanouna, the new friend of political figures?

Even if this disheartens more than one, Cyril Hanouna’s plateau has become an essential passage for many political figures. Moreover, the 49-year-old man does not wait for special broadcasts to deal with hot news. The latter, for example, received during the last week of Do not touch My TV : Rachida Dati, Gérald Darmanin, Eric Ciotti, Sarah Knafo and Sébastien Chenu.

THE Hanouna style jars, but it works! He knew renew the genre by making politics accessible to as many people as possible. During the coming of Sarah Knafo (the Reconquest party of Eric Zemmour), the C8 star did not hesitate to connect, by telephone, his evening guest with Jordan Bardella in order to help unite the rights. A offbeat and criticized sequence which is the animator’s trademark. However, he may go a little too far, as when he announced want to leave the country in the event of LFI victory.

Cyril Hanouna Biography


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