Soap-Passion, 20 years of soap operas! (part 2) | News from the world of soaps

Soap-Passion, 20 years of soap operas! (part 2) | News from the world of soaps
Soap-Passion, 20 years of soap operas! (part 2) | News from the world of soaps

Soap-Passion celebrates its 20th anniversary this year. 20 years of soap operas, 20 years of the internet too!

After having taken stock of 20 years of soap operas in the USA on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Soap-Passion, let’s now talk about the broadcasting of these series in Europe and more particularly in .

On TF1, the Young and the Restless mishandled

In France, we experienced chaotic broadcasts. It was largely thanks to Soap-Passion that French-speaking fans realized that TF1 was skipping episodes, up to 60 per year. Depending on its needs, and unlike its European counterparts, the French channel could skip one, two or even three episodes at once. For the decision-makers at TF1, it made no difference. For fans, it’s a different story, since many were wondering about these strangenesses.

From 2007, the TF1 channel, forced to make more space for French programs, chose to no longer broadcast 5 episodes over 5 days, but 5 episodes over only 4 days. To achieve this feat, the channel did its own editing of the episodes, mixing 2 and sometimes even 3 and deleting multiple scenes. At that time, if the episodes of The Young and the Restless always had the same duration in Switzerland or Belgium, in France, they had a variable duration, depending on what suited TF1 in the face of competition. The situation lasted several years, fans denounced it but journalists had a hard time understanding what we were talking about. Some even joke about the fans’ demands, since it is impossible for them that a broadcaster would allow itself such freedom with an American series.

The series Les Feux de l’Amour, which has occupied the early afternoon slots since the end of the 1980s in France, abruptly changed programming and switched to mornings in 2017, to the great dismay of viewers. On this occasion, the series lost a good part of its audience, not everyone being able to be in front of their screen in the morning. Fortunately, at this time, streaming has developed and fans can watch their favorite series in replay on the broadcaster’s website.

Two other American soaps are broadcast in France during the launch of Soap-Passion. Love, Glory and Beauty / Top Models and Des Jours et des Vies, on France 2. Each American episode of Days of our Lives is divided into two 30-minute episodes in France, so that over the years, the series accuses a huge delay. Rather than making up for this delay by broadcasting full episodes, in 2015, France 2 suddenly offered 2, even 3 episodes per day to fans. Thanks to Soap-Passion, fans discovered the pot aux roses: the dubbing of the series was stopped overnight and the broadcast of the series stopped at the beginning of 2016. Unfortunately, France 2 does not offer any alternative to fans and no other channel takes over. Fans are left with only their memories of the series, although it continues to air new episodes as I write. I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the teams who ensured the dubbing of Days of Our Lives who were fired overnight.

The other American soap from France 2 is Amour, Gloire et Beauté / Top Models (“The Bold and The Beautiful” in the original version). The series attracts audiences, but corresponds less and less to the channel’s objectives. In 2023, to everyone’s surprise, the series Love, Glory and Beauty / Top Models switches from France 2, a state channel, to TF1, a private channel.

As surprising as it is, since the switch of The Young and the Restless from early afternoon to morning, the series is much more respected by the channel. There are no more cut scenes, no more unaired episodes either… or almost! Despite the hopes of fans, the special episodes, such as during the death of Jeanne Cooper or Kristoff St. John, TF1 broadcasts the two series correctly.

One of the last unpleasant surprises in the broadcasting of our favorite series did not take place in France, but on the RTS channel, in Switzerland, which after 29 years of broadcasting, removed the Young and the Restless from its schedule programs at the end of 2023. It’s a shame, especially since the channel was, by far, the most respectful broadcaster of the series.

Dubbing of series in French

Despite years of good and loyal service, the two series remain ejectable. Every year, the continuation of broadcasting remains a real challenge, among other things because the dubbing of these series in French is expensive. This gives us the opportunity to thank everyone who, directly or indirectly, was able to participate in the adaptation and dubbing of the series into French.

The French voices of the two series mean a lot to fans. This is not something incidental, TF1 had to learn this the hard way.
Several hundred French voices participated in the two series. Among these, iconic voices including those of Dominique McAvoy, who will forever remain those of Super Jamie for some!
If you watch an important series from the 1980s or 1990s, there is a good chance that you will find French voices on Soap-Passion! The greatest have worked on The Young and the Restless or The Bold and the Beautiful / Top Models, also putting their talent at the service of soaps.

Among them, some are now ashamed of having participated in the French version of our favorite series. Some, having only worked occasionally in dubbing, do not hesitate to ask for their participation in these series to disappear. After the performance, they are reluctant to see their names associated in any way with these soaps, and that’s a shame.

In 20 years, the Soap-Passion team has had the pleasure of being in contact with numerous French voices, artistic directors and adapters of The Young and the Restless or Love, Glory and Beauty / Top Models. We can only show them our gratitude for the work done! A big thank you to everyone! Thank you for your professionalism and your involvement, even to those whose role was only a few minutes, for an incredible story!

It’s not said, but some actors were lucky enough to be dubbed in French, which gave more credibility to their performance. To be clear, some actors played very poorly in the original language and were really lucky to be dubbed by another actor in French, so that the French-speaking public never noticed that this or that actor was acting like a potato. ;D

It is difficult to take stock of 20 years of soaps in a few words, there is still so much to say. Soaps are still present. From beginnings on radio, they moved to television and now live on the internet and our phones. Declared outdated on numerous occasions, they remain current and continue to delight their audience.

20 years after its creation, Soap-Passion is still there to follow the news from the wonderful world of soaps!




PREV Audiences Before 8 p.m.: TF1, France 2 and France 3 between 2.1 and 2.4 million viewers in access – “La grande week” less than 440,000 last night on M6
NEXT “You are a dyke”, Roselyne Bachelot shocks Léa Salamé, Nagui and all the guests of “Quelle époque”