“I was always exhausted”: Zoé Laïb (Apolline) confides in this difficult plot of Plus belle la vie, even plus belle

“I was always exhausted”: Zoé Laïb (Apolline) confides in this difficult plot of Plus belle la vie, even plus belle
“I was always exhausted”: Zoé Laïb (Apolline) confides in this difficult plot of Plus belle la vie, even plus belle

In Plus belle la vie, encore plus belle, the character of Apolline became addicted to amphetamines, and it seems that her interpreter, Zoé Laïb, had difficulty filming these emotionally rich scenes.

The character of Apolline arrived on the new Place du Mistral, in the new version of More beautiful life, even more beautiful on TF1.

Apolline addicted to amphetamines

The future lawyer quickly established herself in the hearts of viewers thanks to her naturalness and boundless energy. However, in recent times, Apolline has tried to combine her internship at the office of Ulysse Kepler (Jérémy Charvet) as well as her studies to become a lawyer, which led her to fall into the infernal spiral of amphetamines. It seems that these scenes were particularly complicated to shoot for Zoé Laïb, as she confided during a story question/answer session on Instagramthis Friday, October 18.

Complicated sequences to shoot for the actress

I didn’t want to fall into a bad caricature, and then (…) how to play a state that we have never experienced? We necessarily draw inspiration from emotions already felt in our lives, and this was the first time that I started from 0. And since everything was going extremely quickly in my character’s head, it had to go very quickly in the mine too, it required concentration++ and I was always exhausted at the end of those days.” she confided.

Apolline and Ulysses, soon to be a couple?

If fans hope that Apolline and Ulysse end up together, they will not be able to count on interpreter Zoé Laïb to reveal anything concerning the future of this potential couple. “You can imagine that I can’t answer these kinds of questions ahahah, and it comes up often, but you’ll have to be patient.” she always expressed during this question/answer session. Having succumbed to amphetamines, Apolline was helped by Ulysse, who insisted on reserving a place for her in a clinic so that she could cure her dependence on these substances harmful to her health. Steve was also an unfailing support for the young woman, because he was the one who encouraged her to seek treatment.




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