Serge Levars’ attacker is a wild boar! (summary of episode 1501+ Video)

Serge Levars’ attacker is a wild boar! (summary of episode 1501+ Video)
Serge Levars’ attacker is a wild boar! (summary of episode 1501+ Video)

Un Si Grand Soleil in advance with the complete summary of episode 1501 of Wednesday October 30, 2024. In this new episode which will be broadcast in a few days on 3, the truth about the attack on Serge Levars finally comes to light.

Capture France

The previous summary of Un Si Grand Soleil from Tuesday October 29, 2024 from News Actual is also online. Happy reading.

Also find the spoilers for Un Si Grand Soleil until November 8, 2024.

Un Si Grand Soleil: Summary of the episode of October 30, 2024

The noose tightens around Eliott

Muriel goes jogging while thinking about Boris’s statement. When she returns home, she tells Eliott that she will not go to work today. She plans to take advantage of the day to visit premises for their future project.

At L Cosmétiques, Boris informs Elisabeth that he has just spoken to Victoire on the phone. She agrees to take over the design of the youth range. Elisabeth tells Boris that she wants him to behave irreproachably in the future. Boris gives him his word. During the conversation, he learns that Muriel has not come to work.

For her part, Catherine Laumière receives a call from Laurine. The latter was supposed to come pick her up at noon, but she has a professional emergency. So she warns her mother that she will arrive in the afternoon. However, Catherine has already vacated her room and does not want to stay another hour in this nursing home. Laurine then decides to send him a VTC and quickly hangs up. She then calls Eliott to ask him to pick up her mother from the Sainte-Thérèse clinic and help her settle in at home, for a fee. She points out that her mother could be unpleasant. Eliott reassures her by telling her not to worry, he will know how to handle the situation. After hanging up, he rushes to do some research on Catherine.

During the trip, Eliott tells Laurine’s mother that he must help her settle in at home. He suggests that he is corrupt. “You remind me of my husband” underlines Catherine. Once she arrives home, Catherine offers Eliott tea, but he is in a hurry. He accepts a glass of water instead. Before leaving, Eliott leaves Catherine his business card and says he is delighted to have met her.

In the evening, Thierry informs Clément and Manu that according to his indicator, Noam must collect some goods. Clément asks the two investigators to catch him in the act. Eliott, for his part, receives a message from Curtis who asks him if he is available the next day to take him on a delivery. Far from suspecting that the police will be present on the scene, Eliott accepts.

The truth comes out

At the hospital, Serge signs the discharge papers. He takes the opportunity to inform Lætitia that Manu will pick him up at 10 a.m. at home to take him to the scene of his attack. Lætitia wonders if this is a good idea. Serge explains that he wants to know what happened to him.

A little later, in the forest, Manu takes Serge to the place where they found him. But he doesn’t remember anything. He even feels slight discomfort. Suddenly, memories come flooding back. While alone in the forest, he was confronted by a wild boar. He drew his rifle and fired, but missed. The boar then charged him. Panicked, Serge backed away, but he tripped and was struck by the animal in the chest. As he fell, he hit his head on a stone, causing him to lose consciousness. Back at the police station, Manu tells Elise and Clément the events as they really took place. Commissioner Becker is stunned.

At the farm, Ludo and Élodie receive a visit from Lionel, the hunter and client of Serge Levars. He apologizes to Ludo, because he has just learned that he had nothing to do with what happened to his lawyer.

For his part, Manu summons Tom to the police station. He tells him that the investigation is now closed and urges him to put an end to his irresponsible behavior. Then, he asks her if he has heard from the judge regarding cannabis cultivation. Tom agrees and specifies that the magistrate imposed community service on him. He then promises to behave properly in the future.

Ludo goes for a bike ride. He takes the opportunity to call Alix. Ludo confides to him that he is determined to give up on women. Alix teases him and asks him how long he will last. After hanging up, Ludo sees a jogger sitting on the side of the road. She appears to have injured her ankle. Ludo stops to help him.

Un Si Grand Soleil Video Excerpt from October 30, 2024


Such a Big Sunit’s Monday to Friday at 8:40 p.m. on France 3. The series is also available in streaming, replay and on demand on the france. platform and its mobile application.



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