Charlotte Gaccio (Meurtres en Arbois) launches an appeal for her next role

Charlotte Gaccio (Meurtres en Arbois) launches an appeal for her next role
Charlotte Gaccio (Meurtres en Arbois) launches an appeal for her next role

Saturday October 5 3 offers a new episode of its successful detective collection: Murders in Arbois (our opinion). In addition to the well-crafted plot which allows you to visit the real house of Louis Pasteur, the fiction reserves several good surprises. Among them, the presence of Charlotte Gaccio in the role of Brigadier Agathe Santoni who brings humor and lightness. The opportunity to meet the actress, advised by her illustrious mother Michèle Bernier for her career, and who will discover fiction on the air, “at the same time as everyone“. An actress as delicious as one imagines.

Murders in Arbois: Charlotte Gaccio says she has no secrets from her companion (or almost)

Télé-Loisirs: After Murders in the Jura (our opinion), broadcast in 2020, here you are again in Meures en Arbois… How are the shoots in this collection different from others?
Charlotte Gaccio.
It’s nice because these are short shoots, three or four weeks. It’s quite quick for me who is more used to long-term series. Beyond being a small team, like a small family, it’s quite pleasant to be far from home, in a region that you don’t know and to be able to discover it. Arbois is an absolutely charming town that I didn’t know before. So, it’s true that winter in the Jura is harsh [elle rit] but it was nice.

You knew your partners, Sophie de Fürst, Samir Boitard…
Sophie de Fürst is great. I found it wonderful. It was a very nice meeting. As for Samir Boitard, it was funny to meet him on set because we have a friend in common, Julie de Bona, at whose house we saw each other several times.

Agathe, your character, hides things from her boyfriend. And you, are you the secretive type?
Oh no! It’s very difficult to hide things from my lover. [Elle rit.] This year, I kept a huge secret: my best friend was planning her surprise wedding. As I was his witness, I must have known about it but I told no one, no one, no one. Not even to my lover! It was the longest and hardest secret I had to keep. [Elle rit.]

Murders in Arbois: “Playing a villain sounds extremely enjoyable!“Charlotte Gaccio launches an appeal

Ce Murders in Arbois is therefore your second Murders in… Never two without three…
I hope. For my first, I had a small role and three days of filming. This time, I had a more important role and around fifteen days of filming. Next, I’ll be the one to investigate!

Where would you like to go?
In the Meuse because I have my family home there, near Verdun. Why not promote Lorraine and be able to show the region of my maternal family.

And would you like playing a villain?
I would love to because it looks extremely fun to do. I’ve never really been evil, but maybe one day… If anyone has the imagination to see me as evil, it would be a pleasure.

Charlotte Gaccio and Michèle Bernier, soon united in the same fiction?

It’s been a while since you’ve been away from Tomorrow belongs to us (which will soon welcome two alumni from Plus belle la vie), busy with other projects. Do you miss it when you’re not on set?
Oh yes ! I’ve been on another series for three months now. [Enquête en famille pour TF1, ndlr] and I miss my partners a lot. Since we’ve known each other, we’ve never gone so long without seeing each other.

And what about Sam, the series with Hélène de Fougerolles ?
We finished shooting the sequel which should, I think, be broadcast in January, as usual. It’s a season that ends in apotheosis. There are surprises and hilarious guests.

And right now you’re finishing up filmingFamily investigation…
Yes I play a cop with Naïma Rodric and Noom Diwara, who also plays in Sam Also.

Naima Rodricwith whom you also played in Tomorrow belongs to us before she leaves
It’s incredible, but we had never had a scene together. We only met at makeup. [Elle rit.] It was almost a meeting in the end: in fact it was half reunion, half meeting. It’s very nice to meet people with whom we’ve already worked on other fiction. And being in a setting other than your own also means that we share things that we wouldn’t have shared if we went home in the evening. It’s nice to spend time together outside of filming because we’re far from home, it creates special bonds.

Family investigation, it’s good but a family project, with your mother, Michele Bernieris this still not up to date?
Maybe one day. A lot of people want to see us together on screen. I hear about things being written… There are projects in the air, which one will fall through, I don’t know but, yes, there are projects.



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