Alicia Moffet Gets a Milk Rush and Sets the Record Straight Following Occupation Double Red Carpet


The season of Occupation Double is well underway and we can already feel that there is a real craze among the Quebec public. We were treated to a red carpet full of twists and turns on Sunday and the first twists of the season lead us to believe that this Mexican edition of the popular reality love show looks promising.

One of the first observations of this new season is that the animation of Alicia Moffet and Fédérick Robichaud has taken a solid notch between last year and today. We remember that the couple was in their very first experience as animators last year and that they had already marked the history of Occupation Double in their own way.

Alicia Moffet Gets a Milk Rush and Sets the Record Straight Following Occupation Double Red Carpet

Not only were they the first duo to host OD, but good old Fred was also the first former contestant to become a host of the popular reality show.

On social media, many Internet users have claimed that Alicia and Fred seem much more confident than last year and we have to say that their duo works very well on screen.

Those who follow Alicia Moffet on social media were surprised to see the stories published on Monday on her Instagram account. In a legitimate surge of anger, the young woman wanted to say:

“This is a public service announcement to all those who write to me asking if I’m pregnant because you tuned in to the red carpet and saw that I have a bump on my belly. Because I live, breathe and eat.

If you’ve listened to OD Extra, you’ll notice that it’s bloating. Bloating. Lots of bloating! From Montreal to Mexico, the plane, the Mexican food…it doesn’t make a great cocktail where I live.

Also, the day I get pregnant and want to hide it so it stays a secret, I’m going to hide it MUCH better than that!”

Alicia Moffet Gets a Milk Rush and Sets the Record Straight Following Occupation Double Red Carpet

We then hear her lover ask her: “What are you trying to hide?”

To which the talented Alicia responds: “Well, it’s because people think I’m pregnant because of the red carpet.”

“Well no, it’s just because you have gas!”

Here is the sequence in question, published in Alicia Moffet’s Instagram story:

A sweater that has caused a lot of ink to flow

In the daily that aired Monday night, many Internet users asked questions about the sweater worn by Alicia Moffet. Was it a print or was her sweater really very transparent at chest level?

We’ll let you judge for yourself:

Alicia Moffet Gets a Milk Rush and Sets the Record Straight Following Occupation Double Red Carpet

One thing is for sure, the host is gorgeous and loves to dare more extravagant looks, like the one from Monday night. Let’s bet that this is not the last time her wardrobe will make headlines by the end of the season!

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