“Secret Story, the daily”: the first reversals sow discord in the house

“Secret Story, the daily”: the first reversals sow discord in the house
“Secret Story, the daily”: the first reversals sow discord in the house

“I bet on a big day of m****”, admits Maxime as soon as he wakes up. The tone is set at the start of the daily Secret Story from May 2. For the candidates, it’s time to make their choices for the week’s eliminations. And for several days, two clans have been forming. So when it’s time to go to the confessional to vote, there are no big surprises… or almost.

Maxime, Léo, Perrine, Lou and Maxence decide to vote against Charlène and Ulysse. The rest of the inhabitants, with the exception of Cassandra who is exempt from voting, decide to gang up against Lou and Maxence.

The first team is no match, Lou and Maxence are therefore nominated. Maxime joins themchosen by Cassandra.

First settling of scores in “Secret Story”

Maxence is astonished, a thousand miles from imagining such a turnaround. ” Well done. Great masterstroke. Look me in the eyes though. Those I don’t get along with, I understand. Those with whom I have more affinities, it’s more complicated. There are other people who are less deserving of their place in the adventure. You hid your game well”calmly asserts the candidate.

Lou is angrier: “You don’t have to be Einstein to understand who turned the tables. I wouldn’t like to have you as an outside friend.

One of the people targeted by these attacks: Zoé. The young woman has in fact played on two sides and decided to vote against Lou and Maxence, despite her initial alliance with them. The nominees decide to hold the Belgian journalist accountable. Who doesn’t prefer to play fair, swearing straight in the eyes that she didn’t vote against Maxence.

Zoe’s secret in great danger

Strategies and appointments aside, the hunt for secrets continued in the house. Léo and Zoé lost 5,000 euros from their respective prize pools after their poor attempt to discover Kelyan’s secret.

Maxime seems closer to the truth… concerning Zoé. The young Belgian did not fail to buzz his compatriot. “I think she is a former Miss Belgium”tries the candidate.

Not fake, but Zoe’s real secret is actually “I participated in Miss Universe”. So close and yet so far… We’ll see if Maxime will succeed in finding the exact title, or if he will completely abandon this idea.

The very recent nominee also spoke with Cassandra, responsible for his nomination. Initially in shock, Maxime still admitted not to blame the young candidate. “The timing was disgusting, I understand. It’s not death”he admits.

It must be said that the Belgian had not been very perceptive, making friends with Cassandra directly after her immunization, even though they had never spoken.

“She’s a hypocrite”

And who says May 1st, says lily of the valley, even in Secret Story. Each of the inhabitants had to draw a name to give him a sprig of lily of the valley, while paying him a compliment. Twist of fate or chance: Lou must offer his flower to Charlène.

The young woman then tries to play the appeasement card, indicating that she has nothing against Francesca’s partner. Except that for the couple, all this is just“hypocrisy”. “She’s a bootlicker and a hypocrite. It went straight in and out of my ears,” confesses the couple in the confessional. Atmosphere…

There was still some atmosphere during the “Talent show” evening where each candidate had to show off their best talents in front of the other residents. Between dances, songs and sketches, everyone does their little performance, always with humor.

Especially when Lou and Maxence attempt a remix of ” Those nights there ” evoking their recent betrayal suffered. “We are nominated for the first time. The public didn’t know us. We were really screwed by you. And there, we have two days to pack our bags, for the airlock. And you, we know that you pray that in two days, we will break up”, sing the two nominees. A parody which is unlikely to calm tensions.



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