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Gillou moves up a gear with one of his suitors in “Love is in the Meadow”

He had announced his intentions as soon as his portrait was released. The retired farmer is a Casanova and he intended to seduce his two suitors. It is now done.

The retired farmer from set the tone right from the presentation in his portrait. Gilles, better known by the nickname “Gillou” by fans of “Love is in the meadow” stood out from the first episodes of this 19th season as being the rascal of the program, thus chaining together allusions and dirty jokes.

The 70-year-old man was also repeatedly told off by the host Karine Le Marchand after some… inappropriate remarks. “If you have trouble sleeping, call me, I’ll be right there.”he said to one of his suitors, who had just arrived at the farm for the weekend. “It’s a two-meter bed that I just bought. I wanted all three of us to sleep in it but Karine forbade me. She said it wasn’t done…”he wondered, a mischievous smile on his lips.

Also read“I wanted all three of us to sleep but Karine forbade me…”: Gillou, the darling of viewers of “Love is in the Meadow”

“You’re exaggerating a little. […] I am a woman with some education, well brought up”

Isabelle, Gillou’s suitor

And in the new episode broadcast Monday on M6, Gillou moved up a gear. The farmer had organized a romantic dinner at the restaurant accompanied by his two suitors, Isabelle and Marie. “So, which one is going to come tuck me in tonight?”he said like a true seducer at the end of the meal. And added: “Each in turn. Tonight it’s going to be Marie, tomorrow night it’s going to be Isabelle, you have to agree.”

If one of the contenders seemed amused by this outstretched pole, the other did not see it that way. “No but wait, tucking in and all that. You’re exaggerating a bit. Here again you’re skipping steps, as usual.”Isabelle said, waving her index finger in disapproval. And while Gillou tried to defend himself by arguing the cute aspect of a “hug or kiss”the contender from Aisne did not give up. “No, but after the second day? That’s a joke. I think it’s a bit exaggerated.”she declared facing him before adding to the M6 ​​cameras: “Oh my god, surely not. I am a woman with some education, well brought up.”

A first kiss for Gillou in “Love is in the meadow”

How surprised we were when, the next morning, this same suitor who had been particularly reluctant to the idea of ​​a rapprochement with Gillou finally admitted to having slipped into his room to steal a kiss from him. “With Isabelle, there was a kiss”he confirmed. And added, embarrassed: “She came to me, she said to me “i give you a kiss”. I was very surprised, I let it happen. And it was very brief but hey, it’s weird. That’s how it is. […] I asked her not to tell Marie anything, it’s top secret between us.”

Isabelle was in a particularly good mood the next morning, giggling with satisfaction when the camera crews questioned her. “It was a really nice moment. I went into his room and told him he could give me that little kiss. It was quick, like the kids say, a little kiss like that.”she said while winking.

And if the second contender is officially unaware of these nocturnal escapades, she has nevertheless felt a change in behavior. “He’s not into seduction at all. […] In my opinion, he is not ready.”she said. Only time will tell.



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NEXT Love is in the meadow: Muriel’s many thoughts on Pascal’s house make viewers fume