New wave of armed gang violence

New wave of armed gang violence
New wave of armed gang violence

The security situation continues to deteriorate in Haiti, as armed bandits maintain a climate of terror in several regions of the country. Violent attacks, kidnappings and murders are increasing, causing panic and fear among the population.

In the commune of Tabarre, violence reached an alarming level on Sunday July 23 with armed bandits spreading terror in the neighborhoods of Dumornay and Truitier. Shots were fired in all directions, causing casualties and many injuries. Residents were forced to flee their homes to save their lives. This climate of terror reigned again at midday on Monday 24 July.

The Haitian medical sector is also affected by this spiral of violence. The kidnapping of Dr. Pierre-Marie Reynold Grand-Pierre, an eminent specialist in obstetrics and gynecology, increases the list of victims. Especially according to the data, many medical professionals are leaving the country due to the growing insecurity, which threatens to further worsen the public health situation.

Another sector affected again the past weekend is that of the press. Indeed, journalists are not spared. Blondine Tanis, journalist working at Radio Rénovation and former collaborator of Zénith FM, was kidnapped in Delmas. The abduction took place when she was reigning over her home in Delmas 33.

The Artibonite department is also grappling with relentless violence. The “Gran Grif” gang continues to terrorize the inhabitants of Liancourt by killing innocent people and notably setting fire to a local radio station.

The population is left to fend for itself, without the protection of the police authorities who, moreover, have deserted this locality since the attack by bandits last January which led to the death of nearly 6 police officers.

The police are clearly under fire from armed bandits. Two POLIFRONT agents were injured during an attack in Morne à Cabrit, they were on patrol at the time of the attack. They were immediately rushed to hospital, the National Union of Haitian Police Officers (SYNAPOHA) said.

The brutal attack on the Rhum Bakara company in -des-Bouquets also raises serious concerns. Two employees were killed, four others injured, and eight hostages are in the hands of the criminals. Faced with this situation, a call for help was launched to the authorities.

At the same time during this weekend marked by acts of violence symbolizing the return in force of insecurity after the “Bwa kale” movement, the police institution made itself felt. She announces that an operation has made it possible to thwart a collective kidnapping perpetrated by individuals traveling in vehicles in the extended Santo 25 area. During this intervention, six people, including an engineer, were rescued, according to information provided by the PNH.

Esdra Jeudy



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