Romi Gonen, Emily Damari and Doron Steinbrecher found freedom this Sunday after more than 15 months of detention by Hamas. The three hostages, kidnapped during the attack on October 7, 2023, were first handed over to a Red Cross delegation in Gaza City, before being transferred to IDF forces in Gazan territory. A few minutes later, they were in Israeli territory, where they reached transfer points set up by the Israeli army in anticipation of their return. The three young women were able to reunite with their parents there, before undergoing initial medical examinations.
According to witnesses, their release took place amid the clamors of a Palestinian crowd gathered at the transfer point between the Hamas representatives and the Red Cross vehicles.
In return for this release, several dozen Palestinian detainees must be released by Israel, mainly in Judea and Samaria and East Jerusalem. Faced with the risk of excesses during the expected celebrations, the Israeli army announced a strengthening of its presence in these areas.