Drinking alcohol is not without health risks, even when it remains minimal. For women, this would have a significant link with breast cancer. Jimmy Mohamed reveals several ways to reduce your consumption by preventing disease.
The ultimate festive nectar, alcohol is nonetheless very bad for your health. Its effects appear from the first drink, reducing reflexes, alertness and resistance to fatigue. On the other hand, its disinhibiting effect pushes us to underestimate the potential danger that surrounds us and consequently to take risks. Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages also raises blood pressure by increasing the rate of hypertension. Finally, it would have a considerable impact on cancer and in particular breast cancer. A carcinogen classified as group 1 since 1988 by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), alcohol increases the risk of developing the disease with just one drink per day. Jimmy Mohamed discusses the need to reduce your daily intake, particularly as you age.
« Compared to a woman who does not consume alcohol, a woman who drinks one glass of alcohol per day increases her risk by 10% » begins by pointing out the expert on the set of the RTL Matin show. While it can increase the production of estrogen in the body, alcohol also promotes the growth of certain breast cells and the development of hormone-dependent cancers. Additionally, it disrupts the absorption and metabolism of folic acid, a B vitamin that helps with DNA repair, which may increase the risk of genetic mutations in breast cells. Finally, alcohol impairs the functioning of the immune system, dampening the body’s ability to detect and eliminate cancer cells. “ 2 glasses per day, you double the risk, 3 glasses per day you triple the riske, etc. There is no risk-free consumption of alcohol, so one way to prevent breast cancer is to reduce your alcohol consumption. ». assure Jimmy Mohamed.
-Dry January: these 8 drinks are a very good alternative to alcohol
What should you replace your daily alcoholic drinks with?
And for those who would like to gradually move towards Dry January, there are now delicious drinks to replace your favorite cocktail. Among them, we find matcha. Enjoyed in the morning, this Japanese green tea made from powdered leaves can also be used as a cold infusion, flavoring delicate sparkling water for a unique refreshment. Rich in catechin, caffeine and vitamin C, it increases energy expenditure and promotes fat oxidation. Next comes black chai tea. Straight from Indian Ayurvedic medicine, this drink has long been considered a miracle cure to fight infectious diseases and winter cold. Anti-inflammatory thanks to the spices it contains (cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, cardamom, black pepper), it boosts fat burning and relieves pain linked to osteoarthritis. Finally, mate is also an excellent choice thanks to its thermogenic properties, supporting metabolism in the long term.