Romi Gonen, Emily Damari and Doron Steinbrecher were admitted to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer on Sunday, hours after their release from captivity. The establishment announced that a press point would be organized after an initial medical evaluation.
The hospital has set up a particularly elaborate reception system. Each ex-hostage has a spacious single room with private bathroom, furnished with particular attention to detail: soft carpets, adapted lighting and vegetation, creating a soothing atmosphere.
The medical priority concerns the risk of “refeeding syndrome”, a potentially fatal complication that can occur after a long period of food deprivation. To prevent this risk, their first meal was strictly controlled: sweetened tea, three cookies and unsweetened applesauce. Close monitoring, including blood tests and regular weighing, will determine the progress of their refeeding.
A multidisciplinary team, made up of psychologists and social workers, was formed to support the ex-hostages and their families. Family spaces have been set up near the rooms, allowing for intimate reunions. The establishment has also provided all the necessary personal effects, from clothing to hygiene products.
-In the coming days, the three ex-hostages will undergo a battery of complete medical examinations, including pregnancy tests and screening for sexually transmitted diseases.
This meticulous organization demonstrates the attention paid to the gradual reintegration of these young women who endured 471 days of captivity, where medical caution is combined with an environment designed for their psychological well-being. This structure was designed taking into account the experience acquired from the last returns from hostage captivity at the end of October 2023. The released young women should spend at least four days in hospital.