Aith 146 million sales for its eldest, it arrives with a lot of pressure. The Nintendo Switch 2 was made official by the Japanese firm on Thursday, January 16, with a trailer revealed in the afternoon. Almost eight years after the release of its first version, it will be officially presented on April 2, 2025. The release date is not yet known. Until now, Nintendo (accused of planning the obsolescence of its controllers) had remained very discreet about this console, which had only been briefly mentioned in May 2024.
The company has already announced the backward compatibility of Switch games: it will therefore be possible to play physical and digital versions of Nintendo Switch titles on its little sister. It also promises “titles exclusive to the Nintendo Switch 2”, specifying however that “some Nintendo Switch titles may be incompatible or not fully compatible with the Nintendo Switch 2”.
The hybrid side will be retained for the Nintendo Switch 2: it will be possible to use it in portable mode or directly on your television. According to Numerama, the Joy-Con, these two small controllers which allow you to play on the move with a television, will benefit from some developments. The design and color have apparently been revised. The attachment system, previously composed of rails, would now be magnetic, and the two levers are larger.
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