The Nintendo Switch 2 announcement trailer published by Nintendo is already the subject of detailed analysis. During a few images, Nintendo appears to show the mouse mode mentioned in the rumors.
In the meantime, the approximately two minutes of the Switch 2 video are analyzed in great detail. An extract seems to evoke the “mouse” use of future Joy-cons.
It was an idea mentioned by certain rumors. The Joy-Cons of the Switch 2 integrate an optical sensor on their edge, the same type as the sensors found on computer mice.
It would then be possible to use a joy-con like you use a mouse on a PC. This is what the extract from the official trailer that we see in GIF seems to show here.
In this short extract, the joys-cons are assembled with a small accessory adding a wrist strap and then we see them sliding on the surface. The clicks would then be the buttons and triggers usually on the back of the console.
We are currently wondering about the usefulness of these accessories. Is this a simple stylistic effect of the trailer, or really the first demonstration of a “mouse” mode?
If Nintendo integrates such a mode into its console, we are obviously thinking of a use for FPS or strategy games specific to the PC world. But the firm has perhaps imagined new uses for its own games. She has the talent.