Toulouse : 22
Bléré : 24
In the race to maintain, any victory, especially at the expense of a direct competitor, is worth its weight in gold. The one won, Saturday January 11, in the Pink City by the Bléroises, if in any case they maintain, will undoubtedly constitute the fateful turning point of the season.
Visitors who knew how to stay the course
Still, nothing untoward seemed likely to happen to the protégés of Ronan Chamon and Cedric Ferreira. However, at the start of the second act the match could have turned. Toulouse, by inflicting a good 3-0 on its host, weakened by Amy Adams’ interval shots on the right, then seemed able to reverse the trend: 10-14, then 13-14 only in favor visitors.
Wasted effort. The residents of the Cher, more constant, less dependent on this or that individuality likely to animate the game system, give in and stand out. Two missiles long range » sent to the cage deserted by the local goalkeeper due to numerical superiority allow the Bleroises to release the pressure.
The Toulouse women never managed to come back
And then, despite an inconsequential blow to the face at the start of the second half, Chloé Berthelot, the amazing goalkeeper, pulled out all the stops on several occasions. If the central axis suffers under the assaults of Patouillard (four goals in the space of a few minutes), the rest of the system holds up: 15-19, 20-23, then, to finish 22-24. Amy Adams misses, in the last seconds, the ball synonymous with the last hope of returning to the score.
The sheet
Half time : 13-10
Referees : MM. Barak et Dardour.
Toulouse : Gonzalez (3 buts), Florette Adams, Burcea, Marandel (1), Patouillard (6), Cavalier (2), Amy Adams (4), Coulibaly, Remars (3), Guibbert (2), Soubies (1).
Bléré : Chapelot (6 goals), Hembert (1), Vitoz (4), Vinçon (2), Hamdaoui (1), Gorgery (2), Cécile Marinier (3), Amélie Marinier (4), Haaff (1).
Ronan Chamon (Bléré coach): « Yes, we had targeted this match and prepared accordingly. I don’t know if we can speak of excitement linked to the challenge on the side of our opponents but, in any case, the game plan worked well. It was necessary to disrupt their connections, the girls succeeded. I am happy with the result and optimistic for the future ».