The Whirlpool Supreme Silence W6X W845WB FR relies on its record sound level to seduce. However, it does not forget its main function and benefits from a range of technologies to wash laundry efficiently.
Whirlpool Supreme Silence W6X W845WB FR
Introductory price €649
Cdiscount479,99 € Nine
Darty Marketplace576,63 € Nine
Amazon Marketplace602,61 € Nine
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Points forts
Customizable down to the smallest detail, with great precision in the settings.
Water and electricity requirements.
Quiet during spinning.
Weak points
Washing efficiency just respectable.
Rinsing performance a little poor and “rinse more” option almost useless.
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The Whirlpool Supreme Silence W6X W845WB FR washing machine fully deserves its name. It is so discreet that we find ourselves forgetting about it even during the spinning phases, which are often very noisy with other washing machines. Full of qualities, it is extremely flexible (sometimes a little too much for laundry room novices), while not consuming too many resources. Unfortunately, it quickly shows its limits on certain difficult stains and rinsing seems a bit lazy to us.
The second best quality/price ratio
Samsung WW90T634DHE
Introductory price €600
Amazon Marketplace549,99 € Nine
Darty Marketplace591,51 € Nine
Rakuten598,40 € Nine
MDA686,32 € Nine
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The new interface of Samsung washing machines found on the WW90T634DHE – as on the WW90T684DLH – is a great success, aesthetic and ergonomic. Simple cycles are easily programmed, while more demanding users will still find a host of options to configure to go a little further in the use of their washing machine. As is often the case with Samsung, the rinsing efficiency is there, even if it is necessary to activate the “rinse plus” function, which consumes water, to benefit from it. However, we regret that this model is less effective against very stubborn stains than it is for removing detergent residue from textile fibers.
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