Marine Le Pen, forever the father’s daughter

Marine Le Pen, forever the father’s daughter
Marine Le Pen, forever the father’s daughter

Jean-Marie Le Pen, on stage to congratulate his daughter Marine, after his speech during a campaign meeting, March 4, 2012 in , JEAN-LOUIS REICHMANN/ABC/ANDIA.FR

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Reading time: 7 min.


She adored him, defended him against all odds, before excluding him from the FN… All her life, Marine Le Pen evolved in the shadow of her father, without ever managing to completely break away.

To go further

It seems that even Jean-Marie Le Pen can die. Last November 13, in any case, that’s the rumor that got around. The founder of the National Front had been hospitalized for several days when his youngest daughter left the courtroom of the court, where his trial was being held. Cruel, the clustered cameras don’t miss a beat. She runs to the end of a corridor and we see her making a phone call, hiding behind a pole. Everyone is wondering: “That’s it, his father is dead?” »

“I guess I’ll never be able to free myself from this fear for him.”wrote Marine Le Pen in “A contre flots” (Grancher, 2006), her autobiography, almost twenty years ago. It’s true that Jean-Marie Le Pen, as she still calls him publicly, could have died many times before January 7.

Under the flags, in Indochina and Algeria, or even on the night of 1is November 1976, in the dynamiting of the Villa Poirier…



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