A major challenge. At the end of the line C project, 5,000 trees will be planted, three times more than the number of trees removed. At Sept-deniers, these are 86 trees which have been planted since 2022, to which are added the 18 trees planted in December 2024.
Each station location is subject to a qualitative landscape study which aims to preserve the existing tree heritage and to increase vegetation in line with future stations and in a nearby area.
Among the species planted in the Sept-Deniers district, there are hazelnut trees, walnuts, néfliers, almond trees, oaks, micocouliers, large-leaved lime trees, zelkovas du Japon, charms, the sun, magnolias, merisiers, plum treesor even ash trees.
These plantations are part of a agreement signed between Toulouse Town Hall and Tisséo Ingénierie from 2022 (just like Colomiers, Blagnac and Sicoval). The very last (1,100 trees) will take place at the end of the project.
1,500 trees planted in four municipalities
After a final cutting campaign in the fall of 2024, the total number of trees cut since the start of the project amounts to 1.550along the route of line C. Tisséo to specify that these cuts took place outside periods of animal reproduction or hibernation.
If it was planned to cut 2,500 trees in the site rights-of-way in 2019, this figure was revised downwards between 2019 and 2024 “to reduce as much as possible the impact of the work on the plant environment”, indicates the public transport network.
In practice, this optimization work made it possible to “save remarkable trees in several neighborhoods”, to “carry out transplant operations for 49 trees”, and to “implement compensatory measures to reduce the number of impacted trees by the project”.
These plantations were the subject of a case-by-case study to determine the species most adapted to local urban conditions and climate change, and benefit from a frequent follow-up enabling them to secure their proper development.
The objective being to strengthen the biodiversity of trees in the city as well as their capacity to adapt to climate change, reduce the risk of spreading their diseasesand finally reduce the allergen risk linked to pollen trees for residents.
The implementation of the plantations respects a process driven by specialists : site identification and implementation, plant procurement and supplies, soil preparation, tree planting, staking and mulching, watering and strengthening of trees over three years.
The municipalities that benefited from these plantations are Colomiers, Blagnac, Toulouse et Labège. At the end of this winter 2024-2025 campaign, these will be 1,500 trees of great diversity which will have been planted in the four municipalities crossed by the project.
Moreover, 38 trees will be transplanted in this campaignor 49 trees transplanted since the start of the project. Note that the species were identified by the plant heritage department of Toulouse town hall and constitute the plant palette of planted species.
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