The causes of death of the three-year-old child found dead in a grave in the village of Koussan, in the department of Goudiry are known. The investigation led to a chilling confession: the little boy’s stepfather confessed to having committed the crime.
According to Libération, which recounts the facts, the Bakel gendarmes, responsible for the investigation, arrested the victim’s father-in-law as the main suspect. Placed in police custody, the latter ended up confessing to having strangled the child before throwing his body into a pit.
Asked about his motivations, the alleged murderer mentioned a personal conflict with his wife. According to his statements reported by the newspaper, he acted out of revenge, accusing his wife of having hidden from him that she was already pregnant with the child, following a rape, when he married her.
As a reminder, it was Saturday, January 4, that the lifeless body of a three-year-old child was discovered in a septic tank located within the Koussan elementary school. According to information provided by his parents, the little boy had disappeared the same day, around 5 p.m.
The investigation is ongoing.