Vina Nadjibulla, vice-president of research for the Asia-Pacific Foundation, says Trudeau has increased Canada’s focus on the Indo-Pacific region, but has struggled to deliver on some of his announced objectives.
She notes that Canada also faces serious challenges in its international relations, as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police accuse Indian diplomats of criminal activity and competition between China and the United States only grows.
Roger Hilton, analyst at the Canadian Institute of World Affairs, who works from Slovakia, recalls that Mr. Trudeau loudly defended Ukraine, in particular by lending Canadian soldiers to train soldiers from this country.
But many Europeans say Ottawa could have done more to counter Russia’s influence, by increasing its financial contribution to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization or providing Ukraine with more military aid more quickly. advanced.
The Liberals failed to give Canada a seat on the United Nations Security Council in 2020, a few years after criticizing their conservative predecessors who had also failed in this diplomatic attempt.
But Canada has been praised by international development organizations for emphasizing women and LGBTQ+ people in its foreign aid projects and for integrating gender issues into trade deals.
Canada is scheduled to host the G7 summit this year, which, according to Ms. Nadjibulla, constitutes a “tremendous opportunity to exercise leadership and advance our interests” — if Ottawa manages to articulate a coherent strategy.