Coupe de France 1/8th finals. The Illois gave in at the end against Toulouse.
It was in their propensity to sideline the game, facing the Maginot line built by the Illois, that the Toulouse residents found their salvation, while squeezed in the axis, they were held in check (14-12) at the start of the last quarter of an hour of play.
The Maraîchers’ supersonic start put Mathieu Bénet (1) in a position to break the line, but the Illois winger was caught at the colback by Abel Trigui. The kettle was on fire when Fêlix Gautier lit the game for Audric Le Cam (5), who blackballed the TO defense, only to collapse under the posts (6-0). Hugo Borras saved a tense situation against Benjamin Sinimale (9), but could do nothing (11) on Victor Collin’s try, shifted to the left by Roméo Tropis (6-6). In this match without time out, Toulouse Olympique showed itself to be enterprising. Full-back Jérémy Ruffier (27) launched again from 20 meters and on the subsequent action Abel Trigui, offset by Roméo Tropis, sped like a zephyr on the left wing (6-10). The attacks multiplied like voles in a haystack. Borras (31) reassured under fire from Victor Collin. Kilyan Bénavent on the route to the test (36th) put one foot in touch. The TO under pressure found its breathing after a penalty from Tony Maurel (38th, 6-12). That was the halftime score.
From the start, the Illois put the pressure back on. Hugo Borras was refused a try (46). And there was something insurrectional, vital in this charge from Lucas Jampy (53rd), which put the two teams back to back (12-12). Present in the impacts with Audric Le Cam, Adel Goin, Lucas Jampy, the Market Gardeners took the advantage on a penalty from Maxime Soula (62, 14-12).
But we can’t stop the sea with our arms. Like an undertow the Toulouse people returned in waves to the Illois camp and Adel Trigui imposed himself on his wing (68, 14-18).
The Illois, out of breath, collapsed like a Mikado and let Benjamin Sinimale (70) slip under the posts. Until this final attack which saw Mattéo Stéphani (79), shifted by Axel Palin, come to punish the Illois, defeated, but aware of having had a good match, much more than the score indicates.