As France prepares to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Islamist attacks on Charlie Hebdo, Hyper Cacher and Montrouge, Aurore Bergé reaffirms the right to caricature and blasphemy. Guest of the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1/Cnews/Les Echos, the minister also points out a “generational schism which is widening” regarding the freedom to make fun of a religion.
10 years after the Islamist attack on Charlie Hebdo, whose members were killed for having caricatured Mohammed, what has changed in France? Guest of the Grand Rendez-vous Europe 1/Cnews/Les Echos, Aurore Bergé concedes that “now it becomes a proof of courage to publish caricatures”. But for all that, the minister responsible for Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination affirms that “the right to blasphemy is part of our identity, and the capacity we have to criticize and even mock religions”.
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A “generational schism”
Still, the former Minister of Solidarity says she is worried about the “gap between generations” that she observes. “I belong to a generation where all that was normal, it was normal to be able to go and buy Charlie. It was natural to go on the evening of the attacks, to show our solidarity with the journalists and cartoonists who had been murdered. “
Pointing to an “absolutely decisive educational issue”, Aurore Bergé evokes a “generational schism which is widening, where people aged 20 consider that we cannot afford everything, that we cannot mock religion, that we cannot criticize it. That it does not deserve to die, but that after all, it would have been better to avoid it.
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To which the latter disagrees by insisting: “No, there is absolute freedom in our country from the right to caricature, from the right to blasphemy, and this is precisely part of the values which are ours and which are a singularity for our country.”