The actor is starring in Rodolphe Lauga’s next film, To Lifeon Netflix. And if he is used to playing alongside friends and relatives, for the first time he played alongside his son, Marcel.
“Every morning I got up at 6 a.m. and worked out.” Guillaume Canet is starring in the film Ad Vitam, soon available on Netflix, where he plays a member of the GIGN. A particularly physical role which required him to prepare intensively for four and a half months. This Saturday, January 4, he spoke to Isabelle Ithubruru in “50’Inside” about this experience, but also about the first steps of his son, Marcel, who makes his first appearance in a feature film on this occasion.
“I learned how to use weapons. And I learned how to unplug the brain.”he explained to Isabelle Ithurburu. Indeed, playing comedy in this action film allowed him to move forward on certain visceral fears. “I felt really dizzy. I was unable to bend down to the first floor. And I had to do abseiling. I did all my stunts so the abseiling and all that, it was hot.” The journalist then took advantage of this sharing of the anecdote to compare Guillaume Canet to another great actor. “You are a bit like our own Tom Cruise in this film”she emphasized before being immediately supplemented by the person concerned. “Ah no but I love it. On the set, they called me Guigui Cruise.
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But it is not only to benefit from this nickname that the actor of Small handkerchiefs or even Children’s games accepted the role. Adrenaline and extreme sports are ultimately a way for him to feel alive. “When I take a flight, on a paramotor or paraglider, the moment I land I say to myself: “It’s okay, nothing happened to me,” and I feel even better. But first I say to myself: “I’m really stupid for doing this.”
This new film also has something completely new. For the first time, Guillaume Canet played alongside his 13-year-old son, Marcel. The actor also admitted to being the more impressed and stressed of the two. “It was great. Extremely stressful but he really wanted it. From the moment he wants it, we are obliged to put our foot down. And I just as much preferred it to happen with me. Afterwards we monitor it closely because we know that it’s a little young to start”he confided before adding: “It’s still a very difficult job, which requires you to question yourself often. There are times when we take some shit, we can say that. It can be hard to take sometimes. And at the same time he is in a good school. He has parents who have their heads on their shoulders. We live like normal people so it’s the best school for him I think.”
Guillaume Canet then revealed that in his opinion, being the “son of” was not really an advantage. “It can be more of a disadvantage because there can be very high expectations from people. And then it’s not certain that he will always want to do that either. There I think it amuses him but he will surely and perhaps want to do something else, and so much the better. Whatever he does, as long as he’s happy, that’s the main thing.”