After the frenzy of the end-of-year holidays, many of you have certainly received pretty dishes, toys, clothes, and even products to straighten your hair under the tree. But did you know that these products may contain formaldehyde, a dangerous chemical ? On January 2, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), the American Environmental Protection Agency, published a press release to warn of the risks associated with the use of this product.
Due to its wide variety, many people come into daily contact with this product. According to the EPA press release (source 1), humans and animals produce and release formaldehyde. In the human body, it plays a role in the energy production and the essential life processesincluding the creation of amino acids, recalls the American site Chemical Safety Facts.
However, it can also be produced by the decomposition of organic materials and be released into the air when certain objects like a car emitting gasduringforest firesor even with tobacco smoke. It is also present in many everyday objects, since it is used in fabrication de textilesof gangsof rubberof furniture, of dishes and even toys.
Even minimal exposure to formaldehyde can have adverse health effects. Several studies show that 15 minutes of exposure can cause strong eye irritation and respiratory tract. According to the EPA website, these irritations may disappear as soon as exposure stops. However, longer exposure can lead to more serious health problems, such as impaired lung function, worsening of asthmaas well as cancer of the throat and nasal passages.
A recent ProPublica investigation finds that formaldehyde is responsible for more cancers than any other toxic air pollutant, putting everyone at increased risk of developing cancer. Formaldehyde is also present in homesexposing occupants to constant contact with this substance. According to The Independentconstruction workers are at greatest risk, because they are in constant contact with this chemical (source 2).
The best way to limit exposure to formaldehyde is to reduce the concentration of this substance in indoor air. It is therefore essential to ensure adequate ventilation in your home. So, to improve the ventilation of your home, consider ventilating your home every day (source 3).
There are simple actions you can take to prevent increases in formaldehyde concentrations: