On December 25, 2024, YouTube sensation Jimmy “MrBeast” Donaldson proposed to his girlfriend, Thea Booysen, during a family gathering on Christmas Day. The couple, who began dating in 2022 after meeting in South Africa, shared a deep connection over their mutual interests in video games and learning.
X fans reacted to the announcement post, which depicted the YouTuber kneeling in front of Booysen, offering a ring. Karl Jacobs, longtime associate of MrBeast and one of the co-hosts of the new Amazon Prime Video show, Beast GamesThey were asked if they should call Thea “Mrs.” Beast” in the future:
“Congratulations to you both! Should I call her Ms. Beast now?
Comments below the post were flooded with positive messages and congratulatory messages for the couple. User @GeoffO7 wished MrBeast all the best for his future:
“Congratulations, Mr. Beast. Send positive vibes and optimism on your new journey! »
@ferrants refers to one of the YouTuber’s most viral videos, Last To Leave Circle gagne 500 000 $.
“You made her stand in a red circle until she agreed, didn’t you?”
Like @ferrants, user @barrybaut wondered if the proposal was done in classic MrBeast fashion, with challenges and mini-games:
“Did she just have to say yes or no? No challenge and 15 mini-games before all that?
Jimmy himself responded to this comment and humorously declared that Thea has now been stuck with him for “80 years”:
“The challenge now is she has to spend 80 years with me haha.”
MrBeast announces engagement to longtime girlfriend Thea Booysen
The announcement post was a heartfelt surprise, with Jimmy presenting Booysen with a diamond ring in a private moment that contrasted with his typical grand public gestures. This intimate approach highlights the couple’s desire to keep certain aspects of their relationship out of the public eye.
Looking ahead, MrBeast and Booysen are planning an intimate island wedding, choosing to celebrate their union away from large crowds. This decision reflects their commitment to putting family and close friends first, to ensure their special day remains personal and meaningful.
Booysen, a 27-year-old content creator from Cape Town, South Africa, has a rich academic background, including a master’s degree in human cognitive neuropsychology from the University of Edinburgh. She is also known for her gaming channel “TheaBeasty”, where she shares her passion for video games with over 38,000 subscribers.
Separately, MrBeast, known for his large-scale challenges, suggested that he might create a second real-life version of “Squid Game” to coincide with the release of the show’s second season.
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Edited by Abhipsito Das
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