2024 was a year that could not have been more trying for Nadège Lacroix, who decided to make some good resolutions!
Nadège Lacroix, former reality TV candidate and big winner of season 6 of Secret Storyannounced that she had given birth to her very first child on November 26, 2024. Big news preceded by many complications. Indeed, the announcement of her pregnancy was followed by a painful revelation: Emanuel, her former companion known thanks to the show Married at first sightdid not wish to recognize the child. Caught up in her difficult breakup, she also had to prepare alone for the arrival of her newborn, so that nothing was missing.
A difficult birth and first weeks
Very present on social networks, Nadège Lacroix did not hesitate to share the details of her pregnancy and then the first moments with her baby. In an interview with Sam Zirah at the beginning of December, she spoke about the complications during her delivery. She claimed to have lost a lot of blood and to have given birth to her son after around thirty very painful hours. After the birth of her little one, named Elyo Romeo, the reality TV candidate admitted to having had some breastfeeding difficulties, the fault of a cosmetic surgery carried out when she was younger.
Nadège Lacroix motivated for 2025
Thanks to her positive nature, the young mother does not let herself be discouraged. After clarifying a few things about her postpartum weight, she also made a big decision! It was in an Instagram story posted on her account on December 30, 2024 that she shared her big resolution for 2025: “Eating healthier is totally part of my 2025 resolutions!”. A complicated challenge, even more so when you know the difficult nights and the hectic pace she has to manage as a single mother. But Nadège Lacroix does not lose motivation, she even added a few minutes later in a second story: “Would you like a fitness challenge?”. It remains to be seen whether his subscribers will share his enthusiasm.