From January 2025, occasional passengers on Parisian transport will have access to a single ticket, without needing to take zones into account. The price of the Navigo pass will increase again.
TRANSPORT – After the price changes during the Olympic Games, residents of the Ile-de-France region will now have to adapt to the new pricing for 2025. On September 17, the president of the region Valérie Pécresse announced a “ ticketing revolution » with the simplification of the fare scale and the arrival of a single fare transport ticket, to travel anywhere in Île-de-France. Explanations.
• The introduction of the single tariff
For occasional users of Parisian public transport, knowing how much to pay for your ticket will no longer be a headache. From January 1, the ticket price will no longer change depending on the zone. Concretely, you will be able to travel throughout Île-de-France, regardless of your journey and its length, by providing yourself with the ticket at 2.50 euros.
Previously, the network was broken down into five zones including Paris (zone 1) then the more or less distant suburbs (in the other four zones). Each area was associated with a price which increased the further the destination was. According to RATP, this change aims to have a “more readable and fairer offer” and“encourage occasional users, tourists and residents of the Ile-de-France region to favor public transport”.
If Île-de-France Mobilités talks about a single price, there will in fact be two possible tickets for occasional travelers. LRER metro-train ticket at 2.50 euros with a validity period of 2 hours, and the bus-tram ticket for 2 eurosvalid for 1h30.
Connections to Paris airports remain subject to special pricing. THE Paris Region ticket – Airports will be at the price of 13 euros. It will allow you to reach Orly and Roissy by metro, train or RER and is valid for 2 hours.
• The end of the cardboard ticket
No more cardboard T+ tickets lost in your handbag or demagnetized. In January, the cardboard ticket will disappear and it will no longer be possible to buy them. Your transport tickets must be loaded onto a Navigo Easy Pass or directly onto a smartphone or connected watch, using the Bonjour RATP application. For the bus, it will still be possible to buy your ticket by SMS for 2.50 euros.
Another change, whether for the bus-tram, metro-train-RER or Paris Region – Airports ticket, there will be no decreasing price offered as your number of tickets purchased increases. Previously, for example, you could buy a book of ten tickets for less than if you had bought them individually. This will no longer be the case.
• New for the Navigo Liberté +
This pass allows you to pay the following month based on the number of journeys made, with no commitment or minimum period. It is particularly useful to users who regularly use the transport network, but too little for this to justify the purchase of a monthly or annual Navigo package. From January, this card can be used throughout Île-de-France, and no longer only in inner Paris.
As a result, its price increases and passes from 1.73 euros to 1.99 euros per trip. Travel to airports is charged additionally. Please note, this title is not eligible for transportation costs to be covered by your employer.
• Increase in the price of the Navigo Pass
This was already the case last year, again this year, the price of the Navigo Pass will increase again from January 1, 2025, this time by 2.8%. This month it will cost you 88,80 eurosor 2.40 euros more than in 2024, when it was 86.40 euros. The annual Navigo Pass will also increase from €950.40 to €976.80, that is to say €26.40 more to pay. The annual Imagine R package intended for students will not be spared either, and will increase from €374.40 to €384.30.
And this will not be the last increase in the years to come since it is part of the transport financing protocol, signed between IDFM and the State in 2023. This provides for price increases until 2031.
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