The three regional news: the profile of the driver of the Alfa Romeo, a wolf in Poperinge, a check worth one million euros canceled

The three regional news: the profile of the driver of the Alfa Romeo, a wolf in Poperinge, a check worth one million euros canceled
The three regional news: the profile of the driver of the Alfa Romeo, a wolf in Poperinge, a check worth one million euros canceled

Here are the three pieces of information that should not be missed this Tuesday, May 23 in the and Pas-de-.

Alfa Romeo driver profile

• The two young people who were aboard the car in the wrong direction which hit that of the three police officers, killed instantly on Sunday morning, in Villeneuve-d’Ascq, live in Pévèle.

• The 24-year-old driver of the Alfa Romeo, who was driving under the influence of alcohol and cannabis, and who died at the scene of the accident on Sunday morning, was called Clément Oliveira. He lived in Anstaing, a small town near Villeneuve-d’Ascq.

• His passenger, aged 23, is still hospitalized in serious condition. His name is Gatien Delecourt and he is from Chéreng.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Police officers killed in Villeneuve-d’Ascq: in the car opposite, two young people from Chéreng and Anstaing

A wolf in Poperinge

• The Instituut Natuur- en Bosonderzoek (Institute for Nature and Forest Research) has confirmed that a wolf was seen in West Flanders, near Poperinge, overnight from Monday to Tuesday.

• According to our colleagues from the daily Le Soir, the presence of a wolf in West Flanders is a first for 200 years.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> A wolf photographed near Poperinge, on the Belgian border

A check worth one million euros canceled

• This Monday, after a month in pre-trial detention, a British motorist was released by the court.

• He had been arrested with twenty kilos of ecstasy. The article of the customs code invoked to justify the control was invalidated last September.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Drug trafficking: justice cancels customs control worth one million euros




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