Virginie Efira gets naked

Virginie Efira gets naked
Virginie Efira gets naked

“Yes, sexuality interests me…”. Virginie Efira stripped herself bare in an interview: she says everything about her relationship with sex, desire, nudity…

We have long since passed the status of sexual object!

Virginie Efira never hesitates to express herself on her relationship to nudity, to sex, to her own desire. All this at once, very often. Just recently, in the pages of Society magazine, she returned to the remarks sparked by her numerous scenes in Eve outfits in her films: “I have the right to get naked, right?“, she laughed.

I find it fascinating, in life, what libido is, what the sexual act is, and I like films that talk about it, that show it, where there is a point of view“, she continued in the fortnight. A cash testimony to be found here by the way.

Rebelote in the context of an equally dense exchange, on the side of Madame Figaro this time, where the Césarisée actress confesses: “Yes, sexuality interests me…“. She tells why without fuss, and it's as exciting… As feverishly liberating.

“I hope women find me sexy too!” : Virginie Efira says everything about her relationship with desire and nudity


The fact that a woman inspires desire is in no way degrading

This sentence sums up all of Virginie Efira's thoughts. His interest in sexuality, and especially the representation of desire, was born from reading it.of aesthetic shocks, visions that become political when we make them aware“. For example? Sharon Stone who in a business suit…

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